Caution when using Power tools

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The irony of online "sale." The "discount" price was 2k+.
I just checked out of curiosity and behold! 1899! lol.
Placed an order for it.
Some of you might want to say "but that's only 100-200rs difference. Why so cheap??" That is exactly what all these business corporations want you to think, that you should be fine spending a few bucks more. You may not think that the savings right away is justified but the accumulated savings overtime over the months and years will make a substantial amount. No offense intended but this is what the local bihari and bengali business owners in my area have taught me lol.

Next tool to buy: Jigsaw. (I had one and a relative borrowed it and broke it).
All these are going to save me a lot on labour charge.
I hope you are trained working with power tools. Do not take this tool lightly. Slight slip and it will cut open your wrists. Always wear a face shield because the disk might break and hit you in the face. Never remove the wheel guard
I hope you are trained working with power tools. Do not take this tool lightly. Slight slip and it will cut open your wrists. Always wear a face shield because the disk might break and hit you in the face. Never remove the wheel guard
And here's a pic from the top review on Amazon. Lol
I hope you are trained working with power tools. Do not take this tool lightly. Slight slip and it will cut open your wrists. Always wear a face shield because the disk might break and hit you in the face. Never remove the wheel guard
Yes, Angle grinder is a powerful tool on the right hands & as well as very dangerous when misused, please be aware of how to use and which material to avoid before you use it!!
I hope you are trained working with power tools. Do not take this tool lightly. Slight slip and it will cut open your wrists. Always wear a face shield because the disk might break and hit you in the face. Never remove the wheel guard
Cant agree more, I bought marble cutter locally (not this one but somewhat similar to cut few wood sticks
First try - all went great and I got enough confidence to try more
Second try - cut few sticks and it was easy and time saving
Third try after few days and boom the kick back, since I was holding the machine in air the blade was extrely close to my right leg thumb and I realize one more inch my finger was gone.
Since then I didn't had enough courage to use it again, I was considering the hand held model but now afraid of that too.
Cant agree more, I bought marble cutter locally (not this one but somewhat similar to cut few wood sticks
First try - all went great and I got enough confidence to try more
Second try - cut few sticks and it was easy and time saving
Third try after few days and boom the kick back, since I was holding the machine in air the blade was extrely close to my right leg thumb and I realize one more inch my finger was gone.
Since then I didn't had enough courage to use it again, I was considering the hand held model but now afraid of that too.
You are lucky that you were not hurt and wise to accept that you were lucky. These type of machines are supposed to glide on the marble or secured to a table where they come down to cut the metal/wood piece.
You are lucky that you were not hurt and wise to accept that you were lucky. These type of machines are supposed to glide on the marble or secured to a table where they come down to cut the metal/wood piece.
Yeah, I have some construction work going on so gave the machine to the people and they make it look way too easy. lifting the machine in air to cut iron rods or concrete
I am considering to give it to them as clearly it belongs to them
Yeah, I have some construction work going on so gave the machine to the people and they make it look way too easy. lifting the machine in air to cut iron rods or concrete
I am considering to give it to them as clearly it belongs to them
Indians need to stop doing 'jugaad', especially when it comes to power-tools. You used a marble cutter in place of a circular saw. I've seen most 'mistri' do the same over here and they use the same marble cutter with a 'wood blade'. Fine they at least change the blade to the proper one, but what they forget and can't comprehend is that an angle grinder/marble cutter rotates at 9000-11000 rpm depending on model whereas a wood circular saw doesn't go over 3500rpm. A guy in US lost his life in a similar manner when trying to use an angle driver on a tree. When the kickback occured (it occurs when the blade gets stuck in the wood) the angle grinder went straight towards his throat and he died on the spot.
Indians need to stop doing 'jugaad', especially when it comes to power-tools. You used a marble cutter in place of a circular saw. I've seen most 'mistri' do the same over here and they use the same marble cutter with a 'wood blade'. Fine they at least change the blade to the proper one, but what they forget and can't comprehend is that an angle grinder/marble cutter rotates at 9000-11000 rpm depending on model whereas a wood circular saw doesn't go over 3500rpm. A guy in US lost his life in a similar manner when trying to use an angle driver on a tree. When the kickback occured (it occurs when the blade gets stuck in the wood) the angle grinder went straight towards his throat and he died on the spot.
Thats horrible. I found this video that I made few days back where "mistri" is cutting wall, you can see there is no protection and he seems completely at ease.
Thats horrible. I found this video that I made few days back where "mistri" is cutting wall, you can see there is no protection and he seems completely at ease.
Experience mate. With experience comes confidence and you know what you're handling. With that said it's still not advisable to not use protections, it's for your own safety.
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Thats horrible. I found this video that I made few days back where "mistri" is cutting wall, you can see there is no protection and he seems completely at ease.
They have 1000s of man hours of experience. Also these people still do get injured. Its best if you can wear the right protective gear or let someone else do it.
Its like driving a Car for the first time. You dont know how much pressure to put on the accelerator, or how the gears feel, or how much the car turns on turning the wheel. Since this has a blade at the end of it, everything is critical.
They have 1000s of man hours of experience. Also these people still do get injured. Its best if you can wear the right protective gear or let someone else do it.
Its like driving a Car for the first time. You dont know how much pressure to put on the accelerator, or how the gears feel, or how much the car turns on turning the wheel. Since this has a blade at the end of it, everything is critical.
Yeah, experience matter
They can and do get injured even after all this experience. We had a whole woodworking team at out house with their planer/wood saw machine. Now this machine also came with a wheel to sharpen the blades and knifes of the machine (another Indian jugaad). One of the guys nearly lost his hand one day when that wheel broke during one such sharpening session. Protections are needed for instances like that.
In US, a company which makes table saws for wood has even developed a technology where the blade comes to a complete stop as soon as even an mm of skin comes in contact with it saving many people's fingers. They also use proper tools to push down the wood while moving it through the saw/planer so that minimum to no damage occurs in case of a kickback. And these are just $10 tools. But you will never see anyone using them in India or them having even seen or heard of such tools.
When you visit a "local naka" where you find local daily wage laborer's/mistri almost each one has an injury and a story behind it.
Protection and safety is a luxury not a option for lot of these people.
Don't even get me started on the insurance thing.
Thats horrible. I found this video that I made few days back where "mistri" is cutting wall, you can see there is no protection and he seems completely at ease.
This is a very common practice here in Mumbai, mostly used to lay the concealed wiring.
Even common man doesn't care about insurance so we can't really think that these labors even care, Its raining here so i had to stop work for a day and labor were complaining that they need work on a daily basis to survive.
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I hope you are trained working with power tools. Do not take this tool lightly. Slight slip and it will cut open your wrists. Always wear a face shield because the disk might break and hit you in the face. Never remove the wheel guard
Appreciate the concern and yes I will take proper precautions. Also I've used drills and jigsaw and a bit of angle grinder just to grind (not cutting) some rough spots but this will be my first time actually owning one.
Next will be a welding machine when lockdown opens :hilarious:
As for all the video regarding safety, guys its India. Nobody cares, not even the workers themselves. If you go ask why don't take up proper measures I bet they will say "Oh its alright, they/we are pros. They/we've been doing it for yeaaaaars!"
Even common man doesn't care about insurance so we can't really think that these labors even care, Its raining here so i had to stop work for a day and labor were complaining that they need work on a daily basis to survive.
Yeah I've come across these situations. Do they charge you more in this lockdown btw? The rates here went up by a lot including steel and other materials. Waiting for the market situation to improve so that I can build my little godown soon.
Yeah I've come across these situations. Do they charge you more in this lockdown btw? The rates here went up by a lot including steel and other materials. Waiting for the market situation to improve so that I can build my little godown soon.
No, rates are normal since we only have weekend lockdown and thats just on paper though material cost increase a lot. My house was damaged when a 3 story building was made and they used sub standard material that damaged 3 house adjacent to it including mine. So I had to demolish affected part of the house and rebuild, since its rainy season its even more expensive but it has to be done no matter the cost.
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