CCC config for crysis warhead?

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firstly a comparison,all enthusiast 1024x768

using CCC level 5 autoexec.cfg for crysis

CCC looks better,at least in the 1st level though there are a few glitches and warhead seems to lose textures and shadows with distance with or without the config.:S dunno if its the game or ati to blame here.:@
so any good configs for warhead which make the game look good as well as increase performance?and does any one get the same bug of vanishing shadows in water and detail textures on objects like the boat in the first level?:ashamed:
I too get disappearing textures with certain config files but not with all. I usually don't use the ones which give me problems.
It's neither the game nor ATI, but its the config files we use...
it seems to be the game only,the texture pop-in is quite bad as compared to crysis and it crashes frequently though never had crysis crash on me once.
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