Storage Solutions Cd broke inside DVD writer

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I have a LiteON 1693S DVD writer.
I was a copying a badly scratched disk, onto my harddisk to save up some data and rewrite it. The data was about 500 mbs, it copied fine till 50% and then there was a huge sound, i thought maybe my smps or UPS went kaput so i shutted down the pc and checked them up
No damage , no smell so i restarted the comp, when i tried to eject the CD, it didnt come out on the first attemp, but came out on the second attempt, broken into Pieces, as if it was blasted inside.
Now the bad part is that only 1/3rd of the CD's remains came out, rest fell inside the writer, half under the tray itself and half above the tray. Tried to pull the piece above the tray, but its stuck hard.
The tray wont stay closed in, it goes in fully but ejects out within a few seconds.

Although its still got 1 months warranty left on it [Lucky Me], i would be taking it to the dealer, for repair or replacement whicever he agrees for.

Wht i wanted to know is

1. Why did it happen, while copying a CD :S

2. What are the chances that it would be replaced

3. Anything else that i should know.. ??
Most issues with CD are due to the reason that they are unbalanced. Like an improperly placed lable etc. This causes the cd to rotate in unbalanced state inside the recorder. Most probably this caused ur CD to break.

Even i had this issue once. But all the parts were on the tray itself.
IceFusion said:
I have a LiteON 1693S DVD writer.
I was a copying a badly scratched disk, onto my harddisk to save up some data and rewrite it. The data was about 500 mbs, it copied fine till 50% and then there was a huge sound, i thought maybe my smps or UPS went kaput so i shutted down the pc and checked them up
No damage , no smell so i restarted the comp, when i tried to eject the CD, it didnt come out on the first attemp, but came out on the second attempt, broken into Pieces, as if it was blasted inside.
Now the bad part is that only 1/3rd of the CD's remains came out, rest fell inside the writer, half under the tray itself and half above the tray. Tried to pull the piece above the tray, but its stuck hard.
The tray wont stay closed in, it goes in fully but ejects out within a few seconds.

Although its still got 1 months warranty left on it [Lucky Me], i would be taking it to the dealer, for repair or replacement whicever he agrees for.

Wht i wanted to know is

1. Why did it happen, while copying a CD :S

2. What are the chances that it would be replaced

3. Anything else that i should know.. ??

I dont know how but the same thing had happened to me in the year 2000 with a Liteon CD Writer which was under warranty & Liteon replaced the drive for free :hap2:

maybe Liteon drives are CD exploders :P
Well that had happened twice with my friend's samsung drive. FIrst time it smashed the digit cd. Second time it smashed my NFS Porsche Unleashed CD. :S It was my favorite game and I didnt even have a copy.

Anyway that cd was also samsung (jewel cased) so it wasnt real cheap stuff.
We had to open the drive to collect the remains of the cd as the warranty was over. He is still using that drive and never had any such problems again.
happened with me once
had a hard time cleaning it(had to open it was in the corners)
the drive didnt work though
Happened to an 11 year old cousin once. She called me the next day, saying that the cd broke while in the drive, half the bits of the cd are were in the tray and she removed them. Then put in another Cd and while the broken pieces were still in the drive!! And The drive worked!!! For almost a year it worked fine and then stopped working. Finally i took apart the cd drive and took all the little pieces out which had been in there for months! And yeah, u guessed it, it was a Lite-on :bleh: :bleh:
IceFusion said:
I have a LiteON 1693S DVD writer.
I was a copying a badly scratched disk, onto my harddisk to save up some data and rewrite it. The data was about 500 mbs, it copied fine till 50% and then there was a huge sound, i thought maybe my smps or UPS went kaput so i shutted down the pc and checked them up
No damage , no smell so i restarted the comp, when i tried to eject the CD, it didnt come out on the first attemp, but came out on the second attempt, broken into Pieces, as if it was blasted inside.
Now the bad part is that only 1/3rd of the CD's remains came out, rest fell inside the writer, half under the tray itself and half above the tray. Tried to pull the piece above the tray, but its stuck hard.
The tray wont stay closed in, it goes in fully but ejects out within a few seconds.

Although its still got 1 months warranty left on it [Lucky Me], i would be taking it to the dealer, for repair or replacement whicever he agrees for.

Wht i wanted to know is

1. Why did it happen, while copying a CD :S

2. What are the chances that it would be replaced

3. Anything else that i should know.. ??


1. CD Balancing problem - due to usage of cd with stickers or some tags + usage of highly scrached Cd due to which lens took long time to read the content which resulted into CD unbalancing.

2. If in warranty, it will internally replaced from Lite-On, however, just look if some internal physical damage isn`t thre.

3. Nothing just try to using non-cheap CD stuff and less scratched cds.
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hmmm... i dont think it took too much time to read the CD... cause it was copying it fine...

I hopeits replaced by Liteon... would be going to NP on thursday
happened 3 times with me (2 times on LG and 1 on Liteon) i just removed the drive opened the tray via safety pin gave it a gud jerk for 2 minutes till i saw all the dust particles came out placed the drive back in and the LG drive worked fine but when i tried the same with liteon it got screwed during the process just gave it to the dealer he "repaired" it and gave it back to me :( and after repair also the tray had closing issues which i had to solve ultimately >.< cause i couldnt wait for 2 weeks just for realignment of the tray :lol:

actually in liteons case i had put a cracked CD in the tray wanted the game backup badly and tht craked CD then turned into a dust cd with small chunks here and there :rofl:
Got the DVD writer replaced with a brand new one... Lite ON rox :D

actually it was due to the lazy guy who didnt even tried to open my writer for repairing it :P
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