Storage Solutions CDRW woes

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Staff member
I have Asus 5224 CDRW drive.
recently it has started screwing CDRW write operations. The composed CDRWs are not even detected on computers.
Now since yesterday it has even refused to detect the blank CDRW disks.
AM using the samsung pleomax CDRW disks.

What could be the prob.
Alright I have tried the lens cleaner CD that didnt work..
Lemme reiterate my probs once again...
1. The composed CDRWs are not even detected on the same drive or on my lappie.
2. It does not detect the blank CDRW disks at times.
3. After writing for the second time on a multi-session disk, only the newer contents are displayed. The contents written for the first time are not displayed however the size used is the sum of both write operations.
Also I see that there are lots of firmware upgrades available for this drive on asus website but I am unable to download it. Latest is 1.7 (mine is 1.35 right now) and well I have never upgraded the firmware.
Now if anyone can kindly find me the latest firmware file and teach me how to flash it then that would be nice. I tried a few other driver databases as well but the latest they have is 1.35.
3. After writing for the second time on a multi-session disk, only the newer contents are displayed. The contents written for the first time are not displayed however the size used is the sum of both write operations.

That could happen if yu change the name of the disc.

Like, when you burn the first time, it could be named as "new". then when you continue the multisession, maybe the name was changed to "my disc".

In that case, the older files are covered up. They are still present but invisible.
I dont know if you can..... I have no idea how to do that..... Hope someone more knowledgeable helps you out here...
Looks like your drive has been buggered. You need to send it to a repair shop. This happened to me on my Samsung CD burner, i got the lens changed and it worked fine after that, though i never used it anyway.
Ren, with regards to problem 3 - try to browse the cd with Nero/Any burning software - you should see all the sessions of the CDR. (Windows Explorer would only show the last session, iirc)

Else d/l the Nero Multi Mounter for win 9.x - 2k - xp

This will allow you to access multi session CDs. Very Imp - go thru' the readme in Zip file carefully.

@Nikhil, the problem you are referring to can happen if he writes one session with Mode 1 and another with Mode 2 etc.
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