Storage Solutions cds show empty

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guys,i had burned warcraft TFT(maps like dota etc etc,with an xp media center,not mine:() on 2 cds and now,on my comp windows xp sp1 it shows that ntn is on the using a samsung octo edge dvd combo drive.sum 1 plz tell me wa the problem is.
^ Does it dispaly the size - 0 bytes ? If no then -

If it displays size as some 700MB or how much ever you burned, try to browse the CD with Nero and see if you see any data.
it shows that the disk is completely says ntn has been burned on it wen i tried to make an iso and see wat data seen with nero

shud i get latest driver or sumthin??
^ I did not get your short hand their - so are you saying nero is showing it as blank/unburned cd. If yes, are you trying to burn a new iso on it now ? if yes, did the iso burn successfully ?

Can you read other data cd's, is the problem only with these 2 cd's or all the cd's.
many of the other cds are ok dude.only these sshow started burning successfully wen i tried.

yeh,nero shows em as empty/ wat shud i do now??
If they have started burning, then only thing it means is either you have the wrong cd in your hands - or the cd's were never burned in your friends pc :(

You need to reburn the data form your friend.
dipdude said:
If they have started burning, then only thing it means is either you have the wrong cd in your hands - or the cd's were never burned in your friends pc :(
the other option is however ... u must ave emulated burning......:ohyeah:
this used to be a common feature in many older writing suites.....:rofl:
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