Chances of my Vocal chord being damaged.

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Guys after 2 minutes of continous loud i mean really loud my bro i feel like my throat is paining after 12 hours it still feels ecky though i can speak clearly and talk.

Is there a chance tht my vocal chords r damaged and they wont ever regenuvate means i wont ever able to sing good?.My adams apple is normally bigger than normal and others so its damaged too in some way due to this?

i can speak normally what i wanna know is if someone shouts real bad how bad it can effect ones vocals for singing. and does it regunivates.?I'm really paranoid searching google for hours but didnt got any info....:(:(:(
shouting too much is a definite no-no of you are so concerned abt your vocal cords.

But I doubt it could lead to any long term damage.
go to a doc's man ..

u dnt wait for computer / tech savy ppl to giv u a cure on sch things..

maybe u yelled beyond the bearable limit.. so its givin u pains..

try some gargles etc and visit a doc pronto..
a quote in a different way:
thnk of a doc and he is here :p

now serious business.
@x86 when you shoult loudly your vocal cords are stretched and there may be tiny bits of internal haemorrhage in it because of over stress.

this keeps your vocal cord and thorat to be irritating for you. some tims you can not speak loudly, some tims you can not speak for longer period of time.

you mentioned about singing ; are you trained in singing if not i would say you should stop singing for good now. ( bathroom singing is ok if it does not disturb your partner :P)

my advise for you :
take plain steam inhalation minimum two imes a day for 6-8 minutes each.
voice rest (strictly no singing. speak only as much need it, tone of voice should be uniform throughout, no whispering, no shouting, take ample rest in between words (immitate a b vajpayee))

completely avoid ice cold and spicy food.

if you are suffering fromacidity take medicines to control it.

if within two days you do not improve with above precautions then you need to undergo an evaluation by an ENT surgeon.
There is a prescibed protocol of medicines but without evaluation i would not like to advised it to you.

hope this helps

So in short when you are in business where you voice is important you have to take care of it othrwise you are at risk of losing your bread and butter.

in short
no singing if you are not trained for it.
uniform tone of speech
no excessive shouting and whispering
take ample rest in between speech (it means a second or two in between a group of gew words)
and most importantly drink a lot of water.

the instructions in blue are to b followed by any one who has voice problems or needs voice for bread butter like me.
Thanks a lot today after 24 hours i'm feeling completely good though i dont feel like shouting or talking... and spicy food hmm HILSA fish is cooking today.. anyways i just hope tht it wont effect my singing as i'm learning some vocal stuffs i suck at it so thot this might make it worse.
Thanks a lot again. :)
ithough it feels a but strained now .. i'll follow what u said bit by bit and post back within 12 hours or a day. and yea sleeping helps. it was worse yesteray after i slept the night i felt much much better.
Now that you are better...i expect Medpal to send u the consultancy bill at ur home address:P

And hoping that a few proceeds of the huge bill u recieve reach TE also:bleh:
Get well soon
hmm lets see the only spicey thing i had is 3/4 pieces of home made chicken pakora.
i''ll be taking steam inhalation within 30 mins or so now.
i feel absolutely no pain though but i'm not daring to shout and test if my throat is ok or not.
hopw this wont degrade my already yucky voice pitches....
thx a lot.
XT hmmm :P actually my home are on wheels.
sir medpal i wanna ask another thing my adams apple is way bigger than normal like tht of amitabh bacchans this has an impact with voice? and even the gland below the adams apple is tht thyroid? is swollen .. one doctor said its liver problem its swollen for say around more than 3 years or 2 atleast dunno the cause .. previously i always use to intake raw cold water and shouting was common in school.but cold i cudnt live without it previously. my growths r ok can tht swollen thyroid resemble a bad functioning liver as i suffer from mild acidity an irregularity quite frequent due to late night working"normal sleeping time from 5 am".the gland is just below adams apple. or its just tht i'm skinny .. i feel the bulge only when i touch it its not even like a chickens neck i mean even its a little bulged.any worries?
plus when i stretch my neck upwards my right lymph appears to be a little swollen too than the left a surgeon said its of no worries.wanna get some confirmation from ENT.
x86 said:
hmm lets see the only spicey thing i had is 3/4 pieces of home made chicken pakora.
i''ll be taking steam inhalation within 30 mins or so now.
i feel absolutely no pain though but i'm not daring to shout and test if my throat is ok or not.
hopw this wont degrade my already yucky voice pitches....
thx a lot.
XT hmmm :P actually my home are on wheels.
sir medpal i wanna ask another thing my adams apple is way bigger than normal like tht of amitabh bacchans this has an impact with voice? and even the gland below the adams apple is tht thyroid? is swollen .. one doctor said its liver problem its swollen for say around more than 3 years or 2 atleast dunno the cause .. previously i always use to intake raw cold water and shouting was common in school.but cold i cudnt live without it previously. my growths r ok can tht swollen thyroid resemble a bad functioning liver as i suffer from mild acidity an irregularity quite frequent due to late night working"normal sleeping time from 5 am".the gland is just below adams apple. or its just tht i'm skinny .. i feel the bulge only when i touch it its not even like a chickens neck i mean even its a little bulged.any worries?
plus when i stretch my neck upwards my right lymph appears to be a little swollen too than the left a surgeon said its of no worries.wanna get some confirmation from ENT.

sorry for late reply never noticed this query.

regarding adams apple size : its a bone (infact actually it is a cartilage) it protects the voice box as we call it and also from here the trachea begins.
the size of it does not matter in regards to voice unless it increased following trauma.

regarding thyroid : i do not think thyroid gland size is related to liver in any way. you have to undertake thyroid function tests in morning with empty sotmach to evaluate the thyroid. it would be better if you consult an ENT surgeon in your locality so whether the size is really increased or not can be commented in person only.

btw how is your built. are you tall and thin and lean with long neck then all
your description is totally physiological not to worry about.

@xterminator : :P :rofl:
still if TE needs assistance i am ready whether anyone pay me for online consultation or not. ( i am serious here)
I'm like pretty tall and really thin.i'm a between 5 ' 10'' to 5' 11''.my weight varies between 58 to 60 kgs.also my neck is long and thinner they becoms apparent upon when i look at the sky steching my neck.
so prominent adams apple and notable thyroid gland may be because of your stature only.

neck examination is to be done with neck relaxed and flexed forwards never with neck stretched skywards so another point may be your stature being exaggerated while you are stretching you neck.

what i have noted from above discussion its normal for your built. but still to be on safer side you can undergo a thyroid function test to rule out thyroid dysfunction.
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