Change Mac Address of ADSL Router Modem

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VirTuaLiZaTioN Freak
Guys , mine ISP is Connect Broadband (HFCL Infotel - Punjab) and plan is 555.

Our ISP Binds Broadband Accounts to Customer Phone Line and MAC Address ( Mac Address of the WAN Interface - that is MAC Addr which first time involved in authentication with PPPOE Server ).

VPI/VCI used is 1/32. So mine WAN Interface is nas_1_32.

ADSL Modem is provided by ISP --- its generic Single Port Modem | Telnet to it shows Model Number as 'BCM96338 ADSL Router'.

It Provides shell access via BUSY BOX v1.00.

I was able to change mine WAN Interface MAC Address via ifconfig... change it to the required MAC... and after changing the MAC Addr , it does the Required Job well.

But the changed Info ( changed MAC Addr Configuration ) isn't hardcoded , i.e. it is not saved , the edited config. gets erased ( turns back to default ) when device is reset or Save & Rebooted.

This Modem doesn't provide any fancy GUI Interface for MAC Spoofing.

So is there any that , with which i can save the Configuration Permanently.

Waiting for Linux People Insight... :ashamed:
Today , i came across 'macaddr' command , which infact was able to change MAC Addr ( FTW- i am not known to its options or arguments , but i think it creates and assign an MAC Addr pool to all of the available LOCAL and WAN and Bridge interfaces --- all of which can be viewed by ifconfig itself )

'macaddr' path = /bin/macaddr

if anyone can post valid Syntax --- that wud be appreciated a Lot ...

Thanks in Advance

Ok , i was able to accomplish ... Targetted MAC addr was Cloned using 'macaddr' cmd ...
using 'macaddr macaddress' --- which wud eventually and assign macaddress to eth0 and append progressively next MAC Address number to rest Interfaces ( skew was 3 in mine case between eth0 and first WAN ATM interface i.e. nas_1_32 ) ............

Still looking for macaddr SYNTAX ......

o please , ooo please ... find that 'macaddr' command syntax
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