change profile pic

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I'm sorry I don't know where else to post this. How do I change the te profile picture. Nothing in the help section either
Click on your profile picture, it will take you to your profile. Hover mouse on your profile picture you will see "change" button on the top left of the same picture.
Hey vivacious, thanks a lot, but that's a no go!

Tried in ff, chrome and IE. When i hover nothing happens. There's nothing under Edit Profile either
Go to 'My Profile' page. Click 'Edit My Profile' button. Click 'Change Your Photo' button displayed in 'Profile Settings' tab.
I feel like quite an idiot! Is this a restriction? Because I still have post restrictions till i have a few more posts approved.

Yes, this sure seems like a restriction. Cause I get the Change Photo button right above that 'Time Zone' drop down box. Please check after restriction is lifted.
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