Cheap and best projector???

Need a projector for office puprpose in less than 40k

hi frnz

i need a projector for around 30-40k... kindly suggest. It will be used for office presentation purpose.

I was looking towards acer... costing nearly 31k.

Sorry for bumping such an old post but the requirement has come up again. Any suggestions are welcome.

P.S. Epson dealer quoted 30k for their basic model FB S-9
IF it has to be used for office purposes. i think the Epson will do.

FOr movies (/ entertainment ) a sub 50K projector is not recommended.

Another thing ...WHy dont you ask the dealer for a demo ( in smiler conditions as your office ) Epson is a respected brand in projectors so the quality will be good.
My friend is also looking for a projector for training classes.. Can he expect something in sub 10k category?

How good are the projectors available on DX?
Sorry for bumping such an old thread. I need a projector for presentation purpose. It should be less than 50K. Any recommendations?