Other Cheap and best tablet to browse internet

Hi guys ,
What is the cheap and best tablet to browse internet for my mom ?
We sold our old desktop and now she needs a device to browse.
Device should be of decent quality and easy to use .

^^ +1 a great tablet which is such an overkill for browsing...but it doesnt get better than this...at this price its almost as good as cheaper things being free
Since i come from iPad, i feel Nexus 7 is small for browsing. This is more because i have got used to the 9.7" iPad screen.
Btw i do have Nexus 7 so i am speaking from personal experience.
Hi guys ,
What is the cheap and best tablet to browse internet for my mom ?
We sold our old desktop and now she needs a device to browse.
Device should be of decent quality and easy to use .


I was in the same dilemma abt tablet for my mom. Got her an android tab but ultimately she found the android interface very confusing. Returned it and got her an ipad which she handles with ease.

Would suggest an ipad totally. U can go for a second hand one to suit your budget.

From the other thread, i see you have a Nexus 5 device as phone. So now it is your call whether you want to go with android for tablet as well or go with iOS.
I am pretty sure that since it for your mom, you don't really want to put all custom ROM and all and you are not going to constantly tweak the device. She probably needs a no nonsense device that works for her.
As the forum knows I am biased more towards iOS always, in this case too i would strongly suggets iPad for her.
Mini is a good size and weight at little less than 8". For bigger option, go for iPad 3/4/Air as your budget permits. In fact if it is general browsing, even iPad 1 will work.
Asses the need and then buy, don't just go for latest because everyone says so.
And yes 7" is cumbersome for extended browsing (at least for me). Since i got my iPad, i almost never pickup my laptop for any browsing, unless i need to do lot of stuff.
Thanks .. yeah even I felt N7 is too small for browsing and don't like my N5 that much too after waiting for so long . I'm ok with it only because iphone is 50k and that looks like too much for a phone.
Where can I get 2nd hand ipad for ~10k ?
Thanks .. yeah even I felt N7 is too small for browsing and don't like my N5 that much too after waiting for so long . I'm ok with it only because iphone is 50k and that looks like too much for a phone.
Where can I get 2nd hand ipad for ~10k ?

I would suggest open WTB thread on forums and also check olx / quikr listings for your city. Not sure if you will get in that price because apple products do not depreciate in value that much soon like others.