Cheap tablets branded and non-branded !!

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I was thinking of buying a tablet mainly for the purpose of reading books. I dont really care about the fancy shmancy features and an ipad would have been nice but is out of the equation.

I went searching for some cheap tablets much like the chinese phones and found quite a few interesting tabs. Some branded and a few chinese(or taiwan) makes.

Letsbuy has quite a few of them too, if you search for them. So, my question is, has anyone actually used any of these tablets?

Any comments or feedback will be appreciated. These are some of them that I found on letsbuy-
zinglife-z101 (this one looks
Thing's to avoid:

1. lesser than 1024x600 screen resolution

2. resistive touch screen

3. 256MB ram (slow)

4. less than 600MHz processors (extremely laggy)

If the tablet clear's the above criteria, go for it.
Hmmm, thats true. But what I am more interested in now is to know the experiences of people who have actually bought these tabs.
I was on a look-out for an e-book reader, but as per the threads in most of the forums, none of the readers can properly display the PDFs (some are displayed properly, but for some you need to convert). Kindle DX comes the closest they say.

And AFAIK, reading on tablets for long time will hurt your eyes and given the quality of the Chinese tablets, it might be worse (has experienced that on an iPad-1 after reading for just an hour). E-book readers use the e-ink technology, which reduces eye strain.
Kindle is the best when it comes to reading PDF natively, however, conversion to the native format does solve the problem in most of the cases. If it is an ebook reader you are looking at, Kindle definitely it is.
Are the graphics presentable enough in the kindle? I mean the images and diagrams in the pdf's.....

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Btw, which is better the Nook e-ink or the kindle e-ink reader??????
I am using gPad G10, bought from pandawill, and falls in the same category of your list. I have been using it for almost an year and I am very happy with it. I am using 3G data card, and also, GPS (with an usb gps receiver) and it works fine to me. I admit that i can't compare these with 1GHz speed processors, but I don't see too much lag in the speed.
leviathan said:
Are the graphics presentable enough in the kindle? I mean the images and diagrams in the pdf's.....

Btw, which is better the Nook e-ink or the kindle e-ink reader??????
"Presentable enough" is subjective. They aren't bad is what I would say. I am talking about converted stuff (pdf to native), not pdfs directly on Kindle. I would just rule out reading pds directly unless you are buying the DX, which again is not great VFM IMO.

I haven't used the Nook, and bought the Kindle purely based on the excellent feedback and after using my friends' Kindles, and have to say I am very very impressed.
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