Cheated by Vodafone - what are my options ?

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I am being charged for Rs 1795 for 171 MB of usage via Vodafone live. The thing is i have never activated this service. I don't know how this much MB got used through this service. I tried lodging a complaint with Vodafone with regard to this usage to no avail. I am not willing to pay this amount to Vodafone since I had on the first place never asked for this service and secondly I am pretty sure that 171 MB as claimed by Vodafone is not correct. What are my options ?

bro, try to get the customised bill from customer care and see the details of the usage. and make sure that your younger brother/wife/kids have not used your phone. if you are sure that you havent done anything and still they are charging then lodge a complain in consumer forum.
axeman said:
what phone do you use? might be things like weather updating etc.
I use a Samsung wave. They are saying that this service was active a long time back. My contention is that if that is the case why I ran into this usage only now. I should have run into it earlier since I have been using this phone for about 9 months without any change in any of the settings. .
So if you are a postpaid user do not bother to pay and move to another connection. They cant do $hit to you.
Well, just email to your Zonal Officer, Post the Complaint into their Facebook page and Twitter both. They used to charge me like this, but once after shouting at Zonal Officer don't know they stopped these charges.
Are you from Mumbai?

If yes let me know..I will give you email id of Vodafone Mumbai Zonal officer.

Send him an email and your issue will be solved..

If not solved...My advice...Dont pay and get a new connection....And ggt is correct...They cannot do anything......

sandy453 said:
I use a Samsung wave. They are saying that this service was active a long time back. My contention is that if that is the case why I ran into this usage only now. I should have run into it earlier since I have been using this phone for about 9 months without any change in any of the settings. .
I guess its postpaid.ANd as said by others just go to their customer care and ask i want connection surrender form or surrender my connection.

Than see how they serve you.MY friend says the lady over the counter was so humble he was thinking to have a one night stand with her as she was so hard not to loose the post paid connection. :bleh:

Prepaid people cant do anything much as money gone is money gone.Just one thing you can do is go to their customer care and throw the sim on their face so that atleast 10-15 people see and gets worried and get ready to surrender their connection and make their life hard.
Note::Talk is about mumbai
Same thing they did with me on Airtel. (Prepaid Plan)

Money was being deducted for 8 months w.o any notification. Then i got an sms for automatic extension of the plan.

Step 1: Called up and blasted the CC guy.

Step 2: Got the number for zonal officer.

Step 3: The Secretary picked up. Secretary being a lady i was polite with my words but still blasted the system. Then slipped in the line in the midst about migrating to other service provider. Then Blasted the system again saying we all know this is the method Airtel has plotted to extract more money but its pretty obvious to people with brains.

She immediately reversed the money deduction.
Incase for prepaid all i do is never have lots of prepaid balance.
Helps to keep the chindi guys away from borrowing your mobile to make their calls.
And to further prove my point that postpaid users cant be compelled to pay i need to state an example.
It was during the earlier reliance days when they had introduced the 500 wala dabba scheme for postpaid connections.
The lower class people would just buy the connection use it to call endlessly and would never pay the bill. By that time they would apply for other connection and continue to do the same thing endlessly.
In response reliance guys threatened to cut their electricity if they do not pay their outstanding dues.
To that they went into the high court for relief for harassment from reliance and guess the court ruled against reliance. ;)
ggt said:
Incase for prepaid all i do is never have lots of prepaid balance.

Helps to keep the chindi guys away from borrowing your mobile to make their calls.

And to further prove my point that postpaid users cant be compelled to pay i need to state an example.

It was during the earlier reliance days when they had introduced the 500 wala dabba scheme for postpaid connections.

The lower class people would just buy the connection use it to call endlessly and would never pay the bill. By that time they would apply for other connection and continue to do the same thing endlessly.

In response reliance guys threatened to cut their electricity if they do not pay their outstanding dues.

To that they went into the high court for relief for harassment from reliance and guess the court ruled against reliance. ;)

To reliance thats the reason those idiots now indirectly increases your bill.I have seen many time electricity bill coming too high.ANd once was shocked for 15 days i was out and still got twice the normal bill.

NOw coming back to prepaid.DOnt be under

impression keeping low prepaid balance would help.Sometimes even say 20 buks you have and you do recharge of 100 rs than also 70 rs got deducted from shitty plan on my friend mobile.Anyways i guess most of the point is well explained to the chap.No point explaining how to exploit the system untill we know how genuine the chap is.
Most of these extra charges occur when person uses VAS(Net,caller tunes, Wallpapers etc). If you stick to normal voice calling, there won't such billing hassles.
Thanks for all your valuable suggestions.:) I have a postpaid connection and I am from Bangalore.I have already checked the bill. I will try contacting the zonal officer and see what happens. Otherwise, I will threaten them with disconnection or move to another connection as you guys suggested . I will report back the progress.

Gaurish said:
Most of these extra charges occur when person uses VAS(Net,caller tunes, Wallpapers etc). If you stick to normal voice calling, there won't such billing hassles.

I am not noob as far as smartphones are concerned. I work on mobile apps and very well aware that such services can attract exorbitant charges. I am sure that I haven't used any of these VAS services.
rocky_pratik said:
If not solved...My advice...Dont pay and get a new connection....And ggt is correct...They cannot do anything......:D
I second that.. these buggers should get a lesson..
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