China ciggy's go boom!

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After manholes, and other objects, it's now the turn of cigarettes to explode in China.
A vegetable seller Mr Wu, almost lost two fingers when he decided to take a break and smoke a popular brand of cigarettes - "China'.
The cigarette seems to have exploded with a loud bang in his hands within two deep puffs. From the image it seems he lost a bit off the top of 2 of his fingers.


Source: China Explodes, One*Injured | RocketNews24
WTF !! cigarettes exploading
Hope this doesn't happen here.....I'm a regular smoker and this is something that gets me worried :scared14:
So who's willing to pickup chinese ready to make popcorns now...? (ofc i mean if u find 'em)

psst 6pack, u dont need an apostrophe in with ciggys.
The health ministry should use these cigarettes instead of sticking pictures and warnings on cigarette packs. I am sure this will have a lasting impact on the smoker.
if you are more concerned about the blowing cigarettes than cancer then god help you and your family. Seriously people, Quit smoking!!!
if you are more concerned about the blowing cigarettes than cancer then god help you and your family. Seriously people, Quit smoking!!!

People, on an average, are more concerned about short term results than long term (unseen) results. It's a fact.
I think this guy was deliberately smoking a "murga-chaap ladi bum".
This is china we are talking about where ppl are more "jugaadu". I think the guy must be using the shell of a bijli bomb to smoke tobbaco
The health ministry should use these cigarettes instead of sticking pictures and warnings on cigarette packs. I am sure this will have a lasting impact on the smoker.

Or add a warning that one or more of the cigarettes may explode and add a few in randomly for good measure.


  • Smoking kills
  • Smoking seriously harms you and others around you

  • Smokers die younger
  • Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes
  • Smoking causes fatal lung cancer
  • Smoking when pregnant harms your baby
  • Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke
  • Your doctor or your pharmacist can help you stop smoking
  • Smoking is highly addictive, don't start
  • Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases
  • Smoking can cause a slow and painful death
  • Get help to stop smoking: [telephone]/[postal address]/[internet address]/consult your doctor/pharmacist
  • Smoking may reduce the blood flow and cause impotence
  • Smoking causes ageing of the skin
  • Smoking can damage the sperm and decreases fertility
  • Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanid
  • Smoking causes gangrene
  • Smoking causes blindness
  • Smoking causes mouth cancer
  • You are not the only one smoking this cigarette
  • Over 80% lung cancers are caused by smoking
  • Tobacco smoke is poisonous
  • Smoking causes heart attacks
  • Smoking can make you impotent
  • Smoking is highly addictive
  • Smoking causes foul and offensive breath
  • Your smoking can harm your kids
  • Smoking causes serious lung diseases
  • Smoking more than doubles your risk of stroke
  • Smoking blocks your arteries

Statutory Warning: Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to Health :yes:
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