China diverting rivers flowing India

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China plans to construct a dam at Yarlung Tsangpo point on the Brahmaputra River in Tibet province to divert 200 billion cubic metres of water annually to the Yellow River threatening a major ecological disaster in Bangladesh within the next few years.

Experts and environmentalists fear Bangladesh would turn into a desert in the near future as water flow of Brahmaputra-Jamuna river, which is about 60 per cent of the total water flow, will fall drastically if China builds the dam on the Brahmaputra.

According to morphologist Maminul Haque Sarker of Centre for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), one-third water flow of Brahmaputra-Jamuna would decline if the project is implemented.

Although Chinese government claimed that the project is still at a conceptual stage, confidential sources confirmed that work of the project has already begun with the target to finish it in next five to seven years.

China wants to build the dam as water flow of Yellow River declined due to huge water demand of the people of both sides of the river, said renowned engineer Taqsem A Khan.

However, Bangladesh is yet to take any diplomatic initiative regarding the project. Even water ministry officials have no idea about the Chinese dam project.

India has already expressed concern, fearing similar effects in Assam and Arunachal provinces.
If this turns out to be true, i really hope the entire worlds stands up against them!
But only on diplomatic matters, not military.

Simply say no to all the exports out of china and you will have them beg you for forgiveness.
hi @hano ,info seems to be true ,but need a source to guarantee it :p and btb y dont u introduce urself in the introduction lounge as ur new to TE :D
alsiladka said:
If this turns out to be true, i really hope the entire worlds stands up against them!
But only on diplomatic matters, not military.

So all we do is the same thing to Pakistan.

Why you think they so desperately want Kashmir, the source of their major rivers ;)
Arunachal and Assam produce next to nothing. Maybe Tea and rubber but apart from that these states would not have a major impact on us.

Bangladesh on the other hand would have some issues. Bear in mind that most of Indias agriculture is done on the gangetic plain which is not affected to a large extent by the Brahmaputra.

China grab Tibet.
Disputes over Arunachal-sikkim & some other parts of India.
Pakistan hands over some part of Kashmir to China
Bangladesh & Myanmar have no power to resist china.
Nepal now (Mr.Prachand is PM) technically in the hand of China.
China claims few part of Korea (correct me if I mistaken)

Somebody should STOP DRAGONs GREED for Land & I think India-Russia can do it.
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