Storage Solutions Chkdsk takes long time - wd 1 tb - windows not starting

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A Nobody.
Hi all.

I have a wd 1 tb in my pc. Last night when i was opening a movie folder, it took more thn usual time to refresh thumbnails. So i restarted machine. First it was ok. Right after windows loading screen it prompted me for chkdsk i cancelled. And started windows. Disk was ok. Then ths mrng it takes longgg time at windows laoding. Even for the chkdsk prompt to come. And on running chk dsk for 4 hrs its not finished. If i remove tht hdd everything is fine.

Any ideas
Taking a long time to load a folder indicates a bad sector. The only way is to allow chkdsk to do its work and remap data from that sector.

I'm not sure why its taking 4 hrs tho, sounds like you have just one big partition on that 1 TB hDD and possibly several bad sectors on it.

Just now it hanged midway in chkdsk. It detected in bios. So restarted.. Gave a bsod after windows laoding. Restarted its just at windows loading again for some time...

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I just cancelled the chkdisk during a restart and started windows.

But the disc is not accessible.

Tried running acronis. but scan saying file-record-segment-xxxx-unreadable ALL of them ..... :S... but the disc size and free space are correctly shown

Trying to get a HDD case to connect... any ideas to revive the disk?
I have installed XP and connected the disk..

it still runs the chk dsk at start.. and LOTS of file segments are shown as unreadable...

any ways to recover the left data?
I presume there's something wrong with your power supply if you have been constantly getting faults on the hard drives. If you have a DDM lying around, monitor the voltages on the SATA power connectors - the 5V and 12V lines. The 3.3V line is not used so you may omit that. Diagnostic softwares such as Everest may not give you the most accurate reading.

Here's a link which shows the functions of each pin inside a SATA power connector. If the values are within 5% of the rated specs, voltage regulation is good and there shouldn't be any problems with your power supply.
^What happened to the hard drives in this thread then? Is that the same drive which shows up as faulty?
My thumb rule is to Boot the system from live disk like sysinternals 2005 or similar like hiren disk

chkdsk /x /f /r drive

Fixes 95% of the problem


unless platter is wobbling the disk is fine...even if its wobbling i keep the disk in vertical position to retrieve the data before dead or RMA
no no sounds nothing... just it wont read proper.

can u give me the link of the iso download?

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nope that drive is very much okay, that is a Seagate 7200.12. The pc hang was due to power supply. Check the last few posts.

This one is newer WD Green... :S...

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After running chkdsk in windows xp for nearly 10 hrs.. my HDD is back online...

but access time is very slow.. please recommend any HDD copying tool... effective ones..

If i get a seagate 7200.12 HDD..can i clone the disk?.. which would be the best software for that... taking into consideration of the HDD bad sectors also
about 20 GB of data salvaged after running the PC for 2 days straight. still running back home. :(

RMAing the HDD. its sad.

Can anyone tell if there is any other way to RMA other than taking to dealer himself?. i only did that before

but few here mention some pickup service. ???
m-jeri said:
about 20 GB of data salvaged after running the PC for 2 days straight. still running back home. :(

RMAing the HDD. its sad.

Can anyone tell if there is any other way to RMA other than taking to dealer himself?. i only did that before

but few here mention some pickup service. ???

Seagate right? I go to Accel Frontline...Direct frm Seagate for salvaged DISK. if it was WDC...I had to courier it for service centre for replacement.

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