Linux Choice of distro


Hello people. Till now i was ocassionally using ubuntu 7.10 as my linux distro. I would want to use a different version or probably a different distro altogether this time. requirements would be simplicity, all advanced features which linux can offer and eye candy would do goood too :). Please suggest me asap as i would want to install a distro real fast. Thanking u ppl in advance.

If you like GNOME try Fedora 10, if you like KDE try Mandriva.

But you mentioned simplicity as a requirement? Then get Ubuntu 8.10 :D
it will be stable on AMD Athlon 64 - 3200+ i hope .. this is because i read in their main site below the live cd a statment which says "683MB, ISO format, 1 CD-ROM disc image for Intel-compatible PCs"
yes it will be stable on AMD. Only sometimes wierd motherboards might cause problems. But if Ubuntu 7.10 worked chances are newer releases will work too.

openSUSE is messy/cluttered. CentOS is a "enterprise" like thing. Stick to one of the three: Fedora, Ubuntu and Mandriva. Some might suggest Linux Mint.