Choose a BSNL number of your own choice

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BSNL has an offer going on, which states that you could chose the number of your choice and then opt for porting.

Link : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.- India's No. 1 Telecommunications Company

Just select your State(Telecom Circle)

1) The Customer can select any One GSM Mobile number of his choice from the available numbers. On his/her's selection of number (Max. No 1) the customer will get an SMS with a PIN of 7 Digits Valid for 72.hrs Only. The customer needs to input the 7 digit PIN in the web site confirming the selection is over and taken.
2) Now the customer is free to approach the nearest Customer Service Center or Franchisee and inform him the Mobile Number and PIN received to get the selected choice number accross the counter by submitting the requisite Documents and completing the formalities of release of New Connection.

Only SIM Charges applicable.(Nominal Charges)

More Details on the link provided above.

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