christmas presents

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christmas presents

where can i find best deals for Xbox360 and dell laptop i want to know shd i tell my uncle to buy online or buy at the stores
im in india and my uncle is in USA california!
whens the best time for discounts, and sales and best deals? before or after christmas?
my uncle hates waiting so crowds is a prob need some suggestions plz
also what time of the day or day of the week ????

and i want to know what are the shipping costs plz suggest any cheap/safe shipping options and how to trick customs

im checking this page Country Conditions for Mailing - India <--------------- is this any good
plz help me ASAP
In India there are rarely any real deals before Christmas (I'm talking about electronics). If deals pop up, it will be between Dec 26 and Jan first week.
@ riO my uncle is paying for teh gadgets he is in California i want some info on best deals on X360 and lappy in usa/california :)
Haha... sorry, I only read your title :) Let me look for XBOX deals in the US and post back :)

EDIT: I just checked and there are no discounts on XBOX 360's... they're all mostly selling for the retail price of $299 and $399.
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