Cinema 4D - "On Fire"


Cinema 4D created by Maxon, has been my favorite 3D package for a long time, it is intuitive, robust and has a clear and easy to use interface.

With the advent of Cinema 4D 11, I came across this great article to share with you guys.

Cinema 4D is a modular package, but even the base package contains every thing you need to get started such as Modules such as Hair, Dynamics, Sketch and Toon rendering, Integrated 3D painting, Mocca and Thinking Particles.

Whats more... this company really tries to make it easy for you to learn their software by creating a website with free online tutorials and guides that are very detailed and thorough. There are a number of free plugins that you can download to get you started and their help section is one of the best I have seen.

Those of you into 3D should take the time to check this out, this 3D package is great.
