The kid living above my flat jumps, runs drags sofa, cot and even with him his 14 year old sister as if they alone stay in the apartment.
I have requested them, its like someone's hitting on head.
Exactly. You hit the root, right on the center. This is where it all starts: when a kid is old enough to understand and record instruction sets; the parent inculcate bad programming into them.
Highlighted by:
1. Lying / deceit / dishonesty is fine. (Which in turn the kid as an adult dishes out to his/her own parents when they retire).
2. Be self centered and selfish. (Geocentric PoV).
3. There is no favor or task where one does not profit or have an advantage for later on. (Opportunistic paradigm)
4. Everyone (apart from parents) is your enemy and competitor. (One up - manship)
5. Being rude and impolite is the way to be on the streets. (Boorish behavior from day one).
6. As long as "you" are happy, you need not wonder or take heed to what is around you. (Isolation).
7. When someone needs help or can be helped with a minor time - out, do not. Revert to (3). (Greed).
8. Disregarding verbiage from adults which are not parents is normalcy. (Indifference).
9. By hook-or-by-crook is fine. (Criminality, even if minor or between the chinks).
10. Self indulgence is right-of-birth, enforce it. (Always wanting gratification).
11. Control of mouth (brain to tongue connection) is neutered at an early age. That is why Indians are "famous" for speaking out-of-line, anywhere - everywhere. (Inappropriate mannerisms).
12. If not your property or substance it can be regarded as garbage and can be abused / misused / maligned. (Belligerent attitude)
They end result is a human: who is grossly inhumane and only thinks of himself, and cares nothing for the world around. A person like this could be on the moon or an asylum in Arkam.
My pet peev is IT guys taking conf calls on speaker phone from desk and disturbing everyone around them.
Extremely annoying, cause the room echos. But yea, long calls can be difficult. Both sides should adjust.