Warcraft, overrated? Not a chance, this is blizzard we're talking about.
And I say this inspite of being bored to death of it.
rts's bored me, they were all slow economy fests focussed on massing armies.
Warcraft 3 was the first that I actually
even played, let alone played for 2 years and that goes to say something.
The complete focus on smaller skirmishes micromanaging only a handful units sucked me in.
Simple unintended things like hero harassing and tower rushing made the game even more frantic, if quake3 were an rts
this is what it would play like.
Freshest rts experience since dune and one of the best storylines to grace pc/console gaming.
It was the one that sparked the recent boom in 3d roleplaying strategy (aom, bfme, armies of exigo, dow, etc.)
rts's had gone the way of fps's, no matter how good they all followed the same mechanics.
If it wasn't for war3, I wouldn't be playing dow now

Needs more racial diversity though, marines and chaos play too similar.
The art style ooowns...