Classifieds & PM is closed to New Members (Recruits)

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Mod warning :-
Please read the stickies - Market is closed to new members.
User banned.

chawresan said:
this was sold for 399$ if not mistaken?
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I've been on TE for a year and posted before, (as in replied in posts, etc. But now, all things that I'm posting say "Waiting for moderator approval" and then they don't end up getting posted. I've only tried posting in places where I'm allowed to. Like, replying to a buy sell trade post asking something, or giving feedback in the feedback forum.

Found my way here from a random reddit post. I had no idea there was an active Indian tech forum, but I am so glad it exists! :D

So, I was checking out the forum and found some deals I like in the marketplace. When I reply to the thread, it shows that my post is awaiting a moderator approval but just disappears later on. Does anyone have an idea of what's going on?
dead mods, im not sure how this works, kindly guide. If im not allowed to send messages then how am i able to access the reply option ? is it how this works? also what can i do to allow me to reply in sales threads, im mostly interested in buying.
Just incase this is posted in the thread, OP im interested in buying
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