Cliff Blezinski announces departure from Epic Games!

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Cliff Blezinski (or CliffyB as he’s referred in the gaming industry), the director of the critically acclaimed game series Unreal and Gears of War and the creator of Jazz Jackrabbit left Epic Games after serving in the company for 20 years. The news comes few weeks later when BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuck announced their departure from the company.

Here’s what Cliff had to say:

I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager, and outside of my sabbatical last year, I have been going non-stop. I literally grew up in this business, as Mike likes to say. And now that I’m grown up, it’s time for a much needed break.

I will miss the projects, the playtests, the debates, and most importantly, the people. Epic only hires the best of the best, and it has been a joy working with each and every one of you on a daily basis, whether you were hired weeks ago or decades ago. I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with a variety of disciplines, from code to art to marketing and PR – it’s been one big, rewarding learning experience. I’m confident that each project that is being built, whether at Epic, Chair, PCF, or Impossible will be top notch and will please gamers and critics alike.

Epic Games’ founder and CEO Tim Sweeney said, “In 20 wonderful years with Epic, Cliff Bleszinski has grown into a true design luminary, and his contributions to the ‘Unreal’ and ‘Gears’ series have helped shape the game industry into what it is today. Cliff leaves Epic with our gratitude for his many contributions, and our wishes for continued success in the next chapter of his life!”

Wherever Cliff is headed to, we wish him luck! And thank you for all the wonderful titles that you gave us.
Well at least we'll get more Epic Games titles on PC,Thanks Cliff for not continuing Gears of war series on PC,Thanks for not releasing Bulletstorm 2 and much more.
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