Cloud Computing:where to begin from?

You have been using Cloud computing since you started using emails.

It is a buzz word which came into picture because of Virtualization.

In short, computing without physical boundaries of your machines/computing environment.
What sort of cloud are you looking at? As bluefox says, its everywhere. It could be the "Powered by Google" maps on a site (SaaS), some service hosted at Amazon EC2/Go Grid/Rackspace (IaaS) or a CRM solutioning platform or just a development/deployment/scaling platform in the cloud offered by a (SalesForce) or Microsoft (Windows Azure/BPOS/Live/x Online service) (PaaS).

It'd be good if you be more specific and specify wht exactly are you out to learn, whats your current skill/operational area/ whats the intended usage etc.
Actually i am new to virtualization also.. I am trying to learn cloud computing and its aspects along with virtualization. Though i am not getting good stuff on virtualization. I would move to cloud after i am thourough with virtualization..So where will i find good stuff on both cloud and virtualization..I aim at managing cloud implementation on our college servers..I need to know all what is required for that..i am new to open source also..
To be blunt, running a cloud in a college would be a joke!

On a serious note, why not learn to use the abundant cloud implementations already in place. You are amply served in almost every scenario by the ones mentioned above. I wish you were clearer with what exactly you want to achieve.

PS: Are you a college student?
It you want to learn about it then read whatever you can find on virtualization. A good place to start would be to read about Hypervisors and how they achieve abstraction. If you want to implement it then you better have an objective behind it. And by objective I dont mean "wow, that kid is brilliant". What benefits are you or your college trying to achieve out of it.

Cloud computing is nothing more than automation of virtualization. So there is not much you need to learn about the technology as it is hardly a technology in itself.

If you however need to know how to do a benefit analysis, implementation study and planning and eventually management of cloud infra then there is much to read and learn.
sarang said:
To be blunt, running a cloud in a college would be a joke!

On a serious note, why not learn to use the abundant cloud implementations already in place. You are amply served in almost every scenario by the ones mentioned above. I wish you were clearer with what exactly you want to achieve.

PS: Are you a college student?

cloud computing expert :p hame bhi kuch sikhao.....
Yup..i am a college student.
Our college aims at shifting all its base to the cloud. By this they aim to provide virtual labs which can be remotely accessed. This, if i am not mistaken, is gonna save lots of coll funds(??).
I am really interested in implementing cloud and managing and maintaining it. For that i need in and out knowledge of cloud infrastructure, virtualization, open source stuff..
I wish to have all the above explained well.
learn about virtualization, vsphere, vmware esx server , you can find all CBT's on torrents. Take a brief idea about them, then you can start with cloud computation, download a ebook, and customize the technology as per need.