CMC Limited ruined my career. What measures can I take to recover?


My career is ruined when I paid for CJET. I feel stupid how these people targeted my naivete. The projects were stupid. The manager used to shout at me and discriminated me based on language. He deployed me at pest ridden locations. Whenever I did a minor mistake I was reminded I was "trained" in CJET and that I did not diligently complete my training.

I feel I have been taken advantage of. They collect personal information and check if one has the "connections" to flex muscles. If one is meek they do all kinds of illegal things and push one around.

I was texted on Diwali. Made to work till 9 PM. I am just speechless. How do these people not have any accountability.

Even the top management is spineless and complicit. My approach was greeted with no commitment to CJET beyond classroom training. Are you kidding me you? You have deceived me in shelling out lacs and now suddenly there is no commitment on your part.

Now I had enough and they cannot take advantage of my goodness.

Is there any respite? What do these people keep a record of CJET people? What if prospective employer asks my salary slip - how would I show them I was treated like a bonded labour?[DOUBLEPOST=1402996016][/DOUBLEPOST]They did not even provide me with an access card. I had to beg for it. My ID card too was not changed. I had to used that torn rusty one which is not digitized. There were no tissues in the washroom.
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Could you provide some proof of whatever you have mentioned above, as well as some ID proof to show that you are/were an employee of CMC? I have some contacts at senior levels, and could share your concerns with them, provided you are able to show something towards showing this is genuine.
I'm inboxing you some proof.[DOUBLEPOST=1403251324][/DOUBLEPOST]This is the reply I got when I went to my managers manager. I have snipped the part that is not important:

"The problem in CMC is that very few people from the CJET stream can be absorbed permanently, as there are many new batches coming in, and obviously our permanent need is much less. This is why I always tell CJET DCs to strongly search for a job, and not pin all their hopes on getting regularized in CMC or even on getting an extension in CMC."[DOUBLEPOST=1403252405][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit: Haha we all know how the batches come to be. They have a "helpdesk" which cold calls graduates telling them they are selected as "Trainee Engineer". So much for the demand for so-called CJET.
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This is the problem with every other regular course be it aptech or niit. Even computer grads are not trained hands on to be absorbed in the it field. Institutes advertise courses with job guarantee for which they are half trained be it for time constraints or to save on costs. The result we have more persons seeking jobs than actual requirement for jobs. It also does not help when west goes through recession.

Be real and don't expect much from training institutions.
^ The problem is that this is not a full-blown training company (it is an IT services provider with stocks worth INR 2000 for gods sake). And having too many people competing for jobs does not give them the license to be obnoxious (or to flout rules for that matter). The previous generation had seen desperate times in the 80s and 90s I think. But not many scam their fellow citizens. That too after lying to me of the employment prospects.

What my manager did to me falls outright under bullying. For example considering this article the following actions of them are openly considered bullying,

> Yelling or using profanity.
> Assigning unreasonable duties or workload which are unfavourable to one person (in a way that creates unnecessary pressure).
> Criticising a person persistently or constantly
> Blocking applications for training, leave or promotion.
> Excluding or isolating someone socially.
> Constantly changing work guidelines.

What is more is that they paid minimum wage for super advanced job responsibilities. Does any employer pay minimum wage for enterprise domain? Come on, IT employees are called knowledge workers for a reason.

I was always termed as one having no communication skill without having ever given me any performance improvement plan. Do employers manipulate employees like this?

I also forgot to mention in the original post that working at unhygienic client site made me severely ill that I had to be hospitalised. Whenever I used to contact my manger while there, he used to refuse any meeting.

But, life is not ideal. CMC is and will be running amok ruining many careers (while IIT employees crisscross the world). The bottomline is that the contract you naively sign is overwhelmingly one sided. The clauses clearly clear them of the liability. No refund, no job experience (at their sole discretion). Even if you score 75% in all their internal exams you will be having a hard time. Location randomness is emphasised. So I don't know how one effectively one can live with such a contract.
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That was beside the point. I wanted to convey that having more applicants does not give CMC the liberty to be an a%$%#%.

I dare them to pull this shit off in developed countries and not expect a big hue. They probably have offices there.

The reason given in contract for CJET is "to impart necessary skills to job seekers". Am I wrong in reasoning that they probably don't have the best interests of the very job seekers they want to train?