COD 4 Trouble...


I am on the stage where I need to use the stinger missiles to destroy the helicopter.

Where do I find the stingers?

I find a hefty missile like launcher but it says Lock On Required.:no:

Also, I often get my FPS into the 30s, and 40s is very common despite playing on low settings (1920x1080 4x AA everything maxed out).
rite said:
Also, I often get my FPS into the 30s, and 40s is very common despite playing on low settings (1920x1080 4x AA everything maxed out).

Have to say i hate such ridiculous comments.U r trying to fool whom,re?
rite said:
I am on the stage where I need to use the stinger missiles to destroy the helicopter.

Where do I find the stingers?

I find a hefty missile like launcher but it says Lock On Required.:no:

Also, I often get my FPS into the 30s, and 40s is very common despite playing on low settings (1920x1080 4x AA everything maxed out).

u mean the tanks right

there are 5 -6 tanks

u need to keep them inside the rectangle while u aiming
then fire away ;)

Right click & zoom n lock & then click LEFT mouse again to fire.

btw i get 125FPS constant with all high settings :) in Online multiplayer CoD4
right click...keep sight on heli..after proper aim u will hear click sounds wich tells lock on acquired..shoot..bring the fukin heli down!