COD 4 Trouble

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you jut make a run for the pilot. I am assuming you are talking about the downed helicopter pilot. Dont try to shoot anyone. Just run, get the pilot and get back. This worked for me n regular difficulty. I played this game long back, but still remember this coz once u get the pilot bak to the helicopter u will be in for a surprise.
rite said:
How do I pass the rescue the pilot part?

Errrm where's this level? :S

Dont seem to remember a shite! Oh and welcome to FPS games (other than UT!), rite! :ohyeah:
rite said:
How do I pass the rescue the pilot part?

what difficulty you are playing with. seems you have lots of trouble in completing every level ^no offense^. try with lesser difficulty.

Well as this mission is time bound so you kill enemy quick. Don't rush straight to the pilot in chopper.

Hold position near to wall on your left just near to chopper kill as many enemy as you can use grenades for quick kill.

When enemies are low in strength throw your special grenades and reach pilot carry him and return to your chopper. Take cover of walls and pillars on your return that will save few bullets towards you on your return.
I was just playing this level on Hardened difficulty the other day. What i basically did was, let the team mates run ahead of you and reach the helicopter first. Once that happens, proceed carefully to the helicopter while shooting the enemies directly behind it. (your team mates will be busy dueling with the enemies that are perpendicular to the heli) once you clear the enemies behind the heli, throw some grenades near the enemies perpendicular to the heli and grab the pilot and make a run for it. ( a surprise awaits you which i consider is the second-best part of the game)
I finished it on Veteran. Run in, flash at the crash site, rescue, run back while your guys cover you.
I think its the sitatuion where a black hawk is down just run towards the crashed helicopter dont try to shoot you will find the pilot there at the centre of the helicopter take him/her ( i dont remeber) n your back and run towards your helicopter
its easy
I have played the level at least 15 times but to no avail. The grenades don't help one bit. Everytime the firing kills me, they are just too many in number. Where exactly is the pilot anyway?
dont bother throwing grenades. The pilot is straight in front of you. While your helicopter is landing take out the enemies from the gun mounted on your heli. Once you land just make a run for it. Its quite easy. I dont know why you are struggling at this point.
I did it. Couldn't believe it was that simple. I had not seen the pilot before watching the video. It was a piece of cake. :)

But I did not understand what was the suspense that was supposed to be there.
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