COD4 Help...

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I am stuck in a level. I want to just get through it. What should I do?

It is the top view mode part where you can shoot from the top view. I just hate playing through it. Any way to get through it? When does it finish?

Any cheat or walkthrough?
I simply hate it. I really can't even understand how to get through it nor how much time it will take. I simply hate reading the lines or listening to what they say etc, so I dunno. I prefer the action part.

How do I get rid of it?
Its a very easy to play level .. u almost have to kill about 90% of the moving "things" down below .. only read to know which ones to avoid ... it hardly takes a few mins to finish ,.,,
that level does not even take 10 min and its fun too.

use the 40 mm cannon and shoot at the people who are not blinking.
Supposed to be one of the best levels in the game and this guy seems to hate it duh. Just take down the ones you're supposed to and not all the things that move and that's it! Shouldn't take more than 10 mins of your gameplay.

PS: This's not Unreal Tournament.
yea seriously I recently started playing cod4 and crossed tihs level a couple days back, its pure fun, and damn easy, just dont hit people that blink/radiate, jus look slightly harder and youll know. I really enjoyed playing this level, especially the commentary was even more fun something like ' you nailem em' forgot em already.
Gannu said:
Supposed to be one of the best levels in the game and this guy seems to hate it duh.

that doesnt mean he has to like what others like :S

rite, theres no specific strategy, just have to aim properly.

the only part where I had to do lots of re playing was just after the Sniping mission, where you have to pick up the commander (Price?) and wait for the Heli to arrive :P
Ambar said:
the only part where I had to do lots of re playing was just after the Sniping mission, where you have to pick up the commander (Price?) and wait for the Heli to arrive :P

This level was a nightmare for me. Can't go far to the right because of radioactive stuff and just when things seem right a dog jumps on me.
After numerous attempts - staying close to the Commander and thinking I have to defend him or he might defend me, frustrated I left him alone and went back the way I came from and started attacking folks from the back and when the heli would arrive I would make my way back from behind the broken Ferris wheel. The first time I tried this trick I nearly succeeded but unfortunately couldn't find the Captain thanks to his camouflage (also I forgot the spot and got confused because of the number of enemies attacking me). A few more attempts using the same strategy and I was through.
prabs said:
This level was a nightmare for me. Can't go far to the right because of radioactive stuff and just when things seem right a dog jumps on me.
After numerous attempts - staying close to the Commander and thinking I have to defend him or he might defend me, frustrated I left him alone and went back the way I came from and started attacking folks from the back and when the heli would arrive I would make my way back from behind the broken Ferris wheel. The first time I tried this trick I nearly succeeded but unfortunately couldn't find the Captain thanks to his camouflage (also I forgot the spot and got confused because of the number of enemies attacking me). A few more attempts using the same strategy and I was through.
This is my favorite level in the game.I simply loved the way the commander sneak and passed the whole level with the player.Last part was pretty long but it was entertaining too.
Gannu said:
Supposed to be one of the best levels in the game and this guy seems to hate it duh. Just take down the ones you're supposed to and not all the things that move and that's it! Shouldn't take more than 10 mins of your gameplay.

PS: This's not Unreal Tournament.

That's if the game does not stutter, his keeps on stuttering and takes him twice as long. TB your card is kaput, change it, and the level should be playable.
rite said:
is there no cheat or walkthrough?

Kill only those who are not blinking. Use the biggest and medium caliber rounds to take down the enemies, don't use smallest caliber rounds and you will be through. This one 'Death from above' of the easiest level in COD4.

Level = "One Shot One Kill'", and "Heat's-> Reach to LZ" will give you nightmares where enemies keeps on spawning
prabs said:
This level was a nightmare for me. Can't go far to the right because of radioactive stuff and just when things seem right a dog jumps on me.
After numerous attempts - staying close to the Commander and thinking I have to defend him or he might defend me, frustrated I left him alone and went back the way I came from and started attacking folks from the back and when the heli would arrive I would make my way back from behind the broken Ferris wheel. The first time I tried this trick I nearly succeeded but unfortunately couldn't find the Captain thanks to his camouflage (also I forgot the spot and got confused because of the number of enemies attacking me). A few more attempts using the same strategy and I was through.

Havent crossed this level inspite of trying 100s of time. Should try your strategy.
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