Coffee Maker

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Guys looking for a Coffee maker....

I will mostly be using Normal Nescafe

But would consider coffee beans if required.

Preference for coffee


Which model/make is the prefered by you TE'iets

Thanks in advance
Black and Decker sucks. And dont ever consider a $hitty coffee maker for instant coffee. Just use a water warmer. The kind you get at 500 bucks and Kitchen appliance stores. It is sufficient.
Go for a normal one and not one with steamer are better off having such fancy things at CCD. It will be painful to clean the attachments after you had ur lazy cup of coffee.I had it and returned it in a week (lazy me). I have seen one at a shop near my place which sells for around Rs. 900 I guess. It makes 4 cups at a time.Its simple one with a carafe warmer. So you can fetch another cup without having to put in the coffee again. Where are u located...(me @ Mumbai) so I can suggest you something concrete.
sarang said:
Black and Decker sucks. And dont ever consider a $hitty coffee maker for instant coffee. Just use a water warmer. The kind you get at 500 bucks and Kitchen appliance stores. It is sufficient.

agreed we have one sitting somewhere :P no one uses it
Try hand made beaten cofee, it is addictive anyway, this is a hazardous product imo :lol:
Buy those small sachets of Nescafe instant coffee powder (retails for Re. 1 or 3 IIRC; 1 must be Bru). Buy an electric kettle, warm the water, empty one complete sachet and add sugar as required. Pour milk to your satisfaction. The ROI is much better in this case and so is the taste.
U should really try beaten coffee, it is worth the continuous hand exercise :p

Gannu said:
Buy those small sachets of Nescafe instant coffee powder (retails for Re. 1 or 3 IIRC; 1 must be Bru). Buy an electric kettle, warm the water, empty one complete sachet and add sugar as required. Pour milk to your satisfaction. The ROI is much better in this case and so is the taste.
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