Coimbatore people --- Help needed to get phone number

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Hey Guys,

I need a small favour from you Coimbatore guys.

Can you please find out the address of some "SKP Hotel" ??

I am coming with a group of friends for some automobile course in January being conducted at GD Naidu Charity trust 734 Avinashi Rd.
President Hall, Coimbatore- 641018

This SKP Hotel is supposed to be very near to the place..... Could you please get me the phone number and address so I can make reservations ??

You can use the telephone directory I guess.....

Please reply asap


Dude! check the pin code they are both the same

You must have heard the hotel name as SKP While its actually Eskepi

Notice something the pronounciation is the same.....

All the best.............

U owe me one :P is eskepi...

Thanks hmasalia !! repped :D :D

TE rocks !! Been trying for this number for so many days...then today, posted on TE and problem solved !! :D :D
Leaving tonight..... thanks again hmasalia !!

And Shrey too.... Hope to have a Coimbatore TE mini-meet.... Shrey and me will be meeting on tuesday evebning at 6:00 at Nilgiris on/near Avinashi Road.

All are invited. You can recognise me immediately. A fat guy of average height :P

So long then..... I'll really miss TE and the biggest lanparty ever :(
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