Combo moves in SF4 trouble

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Live eviL
I am getting pwned in SF4 -even in easiest level:ashamed:, as I dunno which are the key combo for final and special movees. I am using keybrd. Anyone knows all for Ken masters?
Just read the instructions from the pause menu(read rahul..'s post below mine), you should be able to figure it out. I use a game pad so...
PS: Don't worry about getting pwned in the beginning :)
Have not played sf4. But have played all the other games in the series. The online game guides are usually not keyboard specific.

Here are the basics:


Hadoken or fireball or gola(indian slang): = Half circle forward = down, forward + punch.

Sheryoken or hauaaaa(india slang) = forward + HCF = forward, down, forward + punch

farfari(indian slang) = Half circle backward = down, back + kick


For ken the sheryoken super is common in all the previous series(Street Figher Alpha series, Ex series, 2nd Impact and 3rd strike)

= 2x HCF + Punch = down, forward, down, forward + punch.

For keys my setup is:

q = lp

w = mp

e = hp

a = lk

s = mk

d = hk

Just practice the gola, farfari and hauaaa for now. It will take some time. Still nothing beats the arcade stick.

Have fun.
ok. the best advice i can give you at this point is that although combos and special moves are important... this is Street Fighter.

1. Normal Punches and Kicks are equally important. Knowing them in and out can save your ass in many situations. For example, you're playing Ryu and your opponent jumps at you. the ideal thing to do in most situations would be to perform a Shoryuken. however, there will be situations where you just don't have enough time. A crouching HP would work as a quick anti-air as you only have to press down + HP.

2. Block, block, block on instinct. Learn what attacks have to be blocked high (stand and block against a jumping attack) and others that have to be blocked low (crouch and block against a crouching punch, kick, slide or sagat's low tiger shot)

3. Controlling the 2D space. Learn this early and you will go a long way. Go through this tutorial and you will see what i'm talking about. It's for SF2 : Super Turbo but the basics apply to all Street Fighter games.

YouTube - Super SF2 Turbo Beginner Tutorial (Part 1) by David Sirlin

Go through these first and get a good grasp on things before moving onto combos and supers. I'm relatively new to SF4 myself. I play Super Turbo much better but the learning the basics is really helping the transition.
i am able to perform combo moves quite easily on the ps3.

Also, the training room setup is ideal to learn combos.

dhalsim rocks!
hey any one on TE is online with SF4, would be fun if u guys come in an show some pointers

@Gowt1ham, try youtube for basics and tutorials of the game dynamics.
Practice in training. It helps.

By those challenges are almost impossible to perform with a keyboard. A keypad would be ideal.
kalesh said:
Hadoken or fireball or gola(indian slang)
Sheryoken or hauaaaa(india slang)
farfari(indian slang)

On Topic: Just go through the Normal/Hard trials in the challenge mode for whatever character you use, its extremely useful.Then go to the training room and just enable Input display so that you can see what inputs you put in when you're practicing.
mutant said:
best fightstick available for SF4 around 2k or so? any1 has any ideas?

hey try the sega saturn pad...6 button config is great
else try the xbox pad for windows

Personally, I prefer the xbox original controller modded for PC even though I have a SF4 edition pad (Ryu) one. the analog stick is more responsive than the sega game pad or the sf4 edition pad
Stay the hell away from the 360 controller for windows, you might as well train on your keyboard.I've become pretty proficient on the keyboard able to pull of moves that some people think that its impossible to do like Ryu's hp.SRK>FADC (Ex cancel)>ultra or EX hadoken>FADC>Ultra etc.I'm still training to get them as perfect as possible on a keyboard until I get my fight stick later this year.

Just practice practice practice, DO NOT give up, because that's exactly what the game wants you to do.
F|0ccY said:
Stay the hell away from the 360 controller for windows, you might as well train on your keyboard.I've become pretty proficient on the keyboard able to pull of moves that some people think that its impossible to do like Ryu's hp.SRK>FADC (Ex cancel)>ultra or EX hadoken>FADC>Ultra etc.I'm still training to get them as perfect as possible on a keyboard until I get my fight stick later this year.

Just practice practice practice, DO NOT give up, because that's exactly what the game wants you to do.

aah so thats ur pro tip floccy :P

(btw guys, floccy is uber super pro in SFIV, HE RULES1!! :) )
srk, fadc, ultra impossible on keyboard eh? :P

anyway... both floccy and i can do it quite consistently now. what he says is right. practice in training mode.

another very important tip i can give you : Street Fighter IV, unlike most other fighting games... requires STRICT timing of combos. you cannot mash buttons and expect it to come out. if you do it too fast, you're just not going to get it. do it too slow, and your opponent will be able to block it. the timing has to be JUST right.

RELAX... RELAX... RELAX. the objective is to etch the timing of the keypresses into muscle memory. with practice, you should be able to get to a point where you don't think about the buttons you have to press but just do it instinctively in one smooth key press sequence.

also, split combos into smaller parts and train that way. for example, Ryu's bread and butter combo of Jumping HK, Crouching MK, Hadouken... train Jumping HK to Crouching MK first. do it over and over until you get the timing right. then practice Crouching MK to Hadouken. Repeat until consistency improves. Then simply put them together.
F|0ccY said:
Stay the hell away from the 360 controller for windows, you might as well train on your keyboard.I've become pretty proficient on the keyboard able to pull of moves that some people think that its impossible to do like Ryu's hp.SRK>FADC (Ex cancel)>ultra or EX hadoken>FADC>Ultra etc.I'm still training to get them as perfect as possible on a keyboard until I get my fight stick later this year.

Just practice practice practice, DO NOT give up, because that's exactly what the game wants you to do.

I still dunno(cant) how to perform signature moves. Ifear my keyoard will be dead bfr i do tht:ohyeah:
Gowt1ham said:
I still dunno(cant) how to perform signature moves. Ifear my keyoard will be dead bfr i do tht:ohyeah:

Well, yeah my keyboard is basically the sacrificial goat, well in this case, sacrificial keyboard until I get my fight stick, because some of the keys are close to being non responsive.:bleh:
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