Commandos are coming back

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Remember the classic Commandos Behind Enemy lines and those countless brain teasing hours to complete the games. Pyro studio is working on the new Commando game which will be more of the Commando 2 .

Pyro Studios' classic Commando series is on the way back, with the developers announcing that once work on their current project is done, they'll be returning to the WW2 strategy franchise.

The studio revealed to that, once they're done with the Planet 51 movie tie-in they're currently working on, we'll be treated to an all-new Commandos game. One that should please fans of the older games in the series, as it's said the game will be closer to Commandos 2 than the last game in the series, Strike Force, which Pyro admit was "a mistake".

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Reactions: 1 person soon are we expecting to get this out.

I remember spending hours in front of my PC screen to work out the strategy, and Behind Enemy Lines was the first game that got me intrested in Strategic games...others just followed.

I just want it to be the classic type, and not go on the Strike Force track...yeah, Strike Force was a big big mistake...

waiting for this one....
AceMcCloud said: soon are we expecting to get this out.

I remember spending hours in front of my PC screen to work out the strategy, and Behind Enemy Lines was the first game that got me intrested in Strategic games...others just followed.

I just want it to be the classic type, and not go on the Strike Force track...yeah, Strike Force was a big big mistake...

waiting for this one....

Exactly my thoughts. This game was AMAZING to say the least. To implement concepts of "Line of Sight" "Disguises" "Speed" "Stealth" "Brute Force" " Strategy" All at the same time. !!

So many memories attached to this.

Can't wait . Repped ! Just for giving the good news :hap2:
! 0 t A said:
Exactly my thoughts. This game was AMAZING to say the least. To implement concepts of "Line of Sight" "Disguises" "Speed" "Stealth" "Brute Force" " Strategy" All at the same time. !!

So many memories attached to this.

Can't wait . Repped ! Just for giving the good news :hap2:

yeah so many memories and so many of hours have spented on this game

How many of you figured out to clear the first stage of "Behind Enemy Line" on the first day you sat down to play the game ?

and if long did it take you to just finally complete the mission ?

I am talking about the very first stage where you have to get Green Beret, The Diver and The Driver together at the communication shack and blow out the tower...using oil barrels...

come on...whats your best time...???

I know I didn't figure it out the first time...
AceMcCloud said:

How many of you figured out to clear the first stage of "Behind Enemy Line" on the first day you sat down to play the game ?

and if long did it take you to just finally complete the mission ?

I am talking about the very first stage where you have to get Green Beret, The Diver and The Driver together at the communication shack and blow out the tower...using oil barrels...

come on...whats your best time...???

I know I didn't figure it out the first time...

hmmm.. not exactly remember the hours..but i need the whole day to figure out the perfect way to execute the task
Wow thats a very good news, both ' behind enemy lines' and 'Commandos 2' were very very enjoyable, waiting for this one. Thanks for the good news dude. I have not played Strike Force which they are saying was a 'mistake'. Why was this game a mistake?
VinTech said:
Wow thats a very good news, both ' behind enemy lines' and 'Commandos 2' were very very enjoyable, waiting for this one. Thanks for the good news dude. I have not played Strike Force which they are saying was a 'mistake'. Why was this game a mistake?

The game attracted mixed reactions,especially from those coming from fans of the earlier games in the series who see this a massive departure mainly due to the trademark difficulty instead giving way to a game that is much less so. Similarly, it was promoted as mixing elements of strategy from the past games with traditional first-person shooter gameplay, but instead only hinted them while being predominantly action oriented. As a result, both critics and fans felt it did little to distance itself from the recent flood of similar games.
VinTech said:
I have not played Strike Force which they are saying was a 'mistake'. Why was this game a mistake?

It was developed as First Person Shooter with little emphasis on Strategy. The last stage asked you to stand in a hail of gun fire and Heavy artellery, with nothing to do but to survive and kill almost anyone you saw. Never have I seen a game destroyed so much from its original charm.

Commandos had a reputation of thinking out every single move before you actually click on the mouse button (be it turning the character in left or right direction - to get to know the line of sight, or to choose specific character for specific jobs...stealth, brute force, speed or simply spying)

Just hope they bring back the old feeling of intense strategic planning that gives you a headace at the end of the day when playing the new release.

once again...Waiting eagrly for this one.
Commandos 2 was perfect. I still rememeber the satisafction it gave me to actually kill a gaurd by luring him with a decoy or calling him towards me by throwing a stone.

AND THAT SOUND " HIKE , COLINSTA " or something like that . i think German was just so sublime :)
Took me good 3 days to figure i have to be stealthy. Playing the demo i had only one mission.

I would wait inside the barn and kill anyone and everyone. And by th time i had finished my killing spree the colonel would have gone. ROFL.

Once i realized how to play this then i actually bought the game and it deserved to be bought. :)
"The news story that published is totally false," Pyro told Eurogamer Spain. "We always had in mind to bring back to life the Commandos series; this isn't something new, but nowadays there's nothing official or decided and everything is still a wish, nothing else."

"I think that the journalist turned the wish into news, and he quoted things that nobody said (I was in the gamescom and we always said to whoever asked, and was a lot of people, that perhaps in the future but nothing now).

We're only focused in the Planet 51 game and this is the only game that we're working on," Pyro added, pointing out that the Commandos mobile game may have caused confusion.

Pyro denies reports of new Commandos News // PC /// Eurogamer - Games Reviews, News and More
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