Linux Compiz Fusion : Minimum Requirements ? ? ?

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Can anyone tell me what is the minimum requirement for running Compiz Fusion with all its bells and whistles?

My machine is 4yrs old.
AMD Athlon XP 2400+;
512MB RAM;
Asus A7N266VM motherboard;
nVidia Geforce 2 onboard graphics(32MB shared RAM);
nVidia nforce 2 audio

Will it run with all bells and whistles on my rig?

P.S: I did see the sticky but was not sure if my query will be addressed quickly. So i created a new thread.
There is no minimum requirement. .All you need is get a compatible Graphics Card.. I used to run CF in 256 Mb Ram "Self Compiled" :P {Back in the Fiesty days}
Geforce 2 series uses nvidia-legacy drivers which does not support aiglx ( correct me if wrong ) . You can use xserver-xgl and it *might* run compiz but it would be crawling on your system . This system is good to run Ubuntu but don't think about running compiz fusion on it, or else get a cheapo graphic card with more memory .
@OP : your setup will work.dont go for all that extra plugins.

and xgl is obsolete and was stopped developing afaik.
running a lil sluggish on old p4 2.8GHz wid 256MB ddr1... does fine wid 512MB ddr1..

usin 16MB onboard intel865.

blur doesnt work, rain doesnt work...
Thanks for all the replies.

Is Compiz Fusion available on the Mandriva Linux One(2008.1 Spring Edition)?
If yes then plz tell if it contains all plugins or mention which plugins are unavailable.
Mandriva 2008.1 by default comes with base plugins.. You can install additional plugin "Extra and Unsupported"

P.s : install Mandriva 2009.0 "Gnome" Edition rather than 2008.1 // Though 2008.1 is a rock solid release but 2009.0 features new tools and improvements in boot speed.
blur used to work on the old builds (during ubuntu 6 methinks) , but then stopped working. water, fire etc never worked
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