PC Peripherals Computer not booting up

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Well I have finally put together my rig. After all the help from

the TE members. but now its not booting up. This is the first

time I'm assembling. Could anyone point out as to where I

might be making a mistake.

My rig consists of

AMD Anthlon II X4 620

Asus M4A785TD-V EVO

Corsair VX450W

Seagate 500GB HD


I think I have connected most of the things as per the manual

When I turn on the power the green LED glows in the motherboard

but when I switch on the power button the CPU fan ,cabinet fan

and the PSU fan rotates and stops immediately.
Re: HELP! computer not booting up

Try to get help from u r mother board manual and check all connections according to it.

check psu to mobo connection.Check processor sitting properly on board. cpufan to board connection,Is ram properly inserted,Is mobo getting power from psu.
Re: HELP! computer not booting up

the green led as per the manual lights up only when mobo is getting proper power supply

So i guess its working. cpufan to board connection checked.

RAM and cpu connection also checked everything is fine AFAIK

is there anyway to check if the PSU is working properly or not!?
Disconnect all HDDs , Optical drives , cabinet fans, keyboard+mouse
Check if the wall socket has proper earthing.

PSU+MOBO+CPU+CPUfan+RAM+Display should be connected

1. check if the 4pin connector is properly fixed
2. check 24 pin connector
3. try different RAM sticks in different slots. try all combinations
4. try booting using a screwdriver on PWR SW pins on mobo instead of the cabinet button
5. try different PSU

Try first 4 as you can do all of them w/o disturbing other PC.

PS. Don't mind, but i wrote in details assuming this is ur first assembling experience.
Try to get in touch with a local TE expert, if in two minds.
Where do you live?
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Also to add, try assembling a bare-bone setup outside the cabinet first. That will rule out any shorts.

Briefly switching on and shutting off points to either a faulty motherboard or PSU.
Make sure nothing inside the cabinet is shorting out the motherboard - loose screws or anything like that.

Try assembling it inside the cabinet and do not connect the front panel connectors. Use a screwdriver to power it up and see.
ok problem identified bad screw.trying to install windows 7 and getting error. Could not format partition error code 0x80070057

in the bios it says primary ide not detected.
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