CPU/Mobo Computer totally shuts-down that is goes OFF abruptly and randomly


my friend got a new comp

amd phenom925
m4a 785td asus mobo
standard transcend ddr3 4gigs sticks
eagle tech 750watt PSU
1tb seagate

The problem is the computer shuts off abruptly without any bsods are freezes at raondom times once this happens he has to completely switch off the ups and boot the comp again then only it boots

He hasa eagle tech 750watt PSU a coupla months back the PSU went KAPUT when he switched it on without changing the setting from 120Watt to 240 watt he got it reapired at a local repairwalla shop so is the PSU the culprit?

i have asked him to run the ram test as in these kind of problems the Ram is the usual suspect so please advise
There could also be a problem with the UPS, try using the PC without it.

Just noticed the PSU you are using, please change it ASAP - failure in doing so could result in multiple component failure soon

Get yourself a Corsair CX400W (2.7k) or VX450W (3.5k; Recommended)
First of all get a decent PSU.
Go with Corsair CX400W. If you're low on budget go with FSP SAGAII 400W ~ 1.9k. FSP is a major PSU OEM. The PSU has a PCI-E power connector, 3 SATA power connectors and 3 4-pin power connectors IINM.
Your Eagle tech 750watt PSU is a cheap 250w PSU, though the name says 750.

Secondly, this abrupt shutdown can be sign for failing hard drive.
First of all, backup your data. Secondly, if you've any spare hard disk lying around then remove your current hard disk and try to boot off from the alternate hard disk..
If everything runs fine now then your hard disk is faulty.
XTechManiac said:
First of all get a decent PSU.

Go with Corsair CX400W. If you're low on budget go with FSP SAGAII 400W ~ 1.9k. FSP is a major PSU OEM. The PSU has a PCI-E power connector, 3 SATA power connectors and 3 4-pin power connectors IINM.

Your Eagle tech 750watt PSU is a cheap 250w PSU, though the name says 750.

Secondly, this abrupt shutdown can be sign for failing hard drive.

First of all, backup your data. Secondly, if you've any spare hard disk lying around then remove your current hard disk and try to boot off from the alternate hard disk..

If everything runs fine now then your hard disk is faulty.
But he did a CHKDS and no Bad sectors Showed up also when the computer switches OFF the cabinet fans also Stops running

i will ask him to run a Seatools check that will definetley tell wether there is a Problem or not rite?

Also he has played games like Dirt 2 for 6 hours continuoyusly Nothing happened the PSU has Removable power connectors and two fans one on the side another on the bottom with a fan controller i dont think its a low end PSU

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guys is Seatools enough to test the integrity for the hard disk and also the graphics card will be fine rite

update: he removed the 5770 apparently the random shutodwn has stopped could this have been an issue with a gcard?

also i have asked him to test the ram is the rest ram test provided by the widnows diaognastic tools enough? Please Answer
Hmm, now there are two possibilities:-

1. Your HD5570 is faulty.

2. Your cheap, yes, your cheap PSU is unable to supply required power to the HD5570, due to which you're facing abrupt showdown/restarts. Don't connect your GPU with that PSU. If your friend can spare some money, then as I said, get a FSP SagaII 400W ~ 1.9k or FSP SagaII 350W ~ 1.5k atleast.
My friend is willing to get a SMPS infact he will be getting a vx450 if he needs to but before spending the moeny on the smps i just wanna be sure all the other componets in his computer are wokring properly any ways can you tell me how to check the stability of a graphics card should i sue the ati tool?
The other components will soon not work properly, you should change the PSU right away without wasting any more time. VX450 is a very good choice, getting this should be the first priority of your friend right now. I'm pretty sure that your friend's GPU and other components are all right.
i had a similar problem when i purchased my pc i suspected the psu too , but in my case a bios update solved the issue as there was some compactibility issues with my
AM3 proccy and my AM2+ mobo...hope u get ur problem solved
ubergeek said:
update: he removed the 5770 apparently the random shutodwn has stopped could this have been an issue with a gcard?

Okay at least you have narrowed it down to this. Can he:

1. Try with a GPU of equal power or greater, which you know is working fine elsewhere. (In the problematic system)

2. Try the GPU in another system. (In a system which is running perfectly fine)

If (1) fails then its probably the PSU.

If (2) fails then its probably the GPU.

If both tests come out positive then we can try other past systematically.
ALPHA17 said:
Can be the graphics card too cause I had this issue of my MSI HD 5770 overheating to insane temps computer randomly not booting RMAed after 4 months usage now its set at MSI HAWK edition and every things Okay :)

Do you think a rig which doesn't have onboard graphic wud start without a discrete graphic card... Just asking this coz i have never tried booting my system without a graphic card...

Obviously if the board has no IGP it would not boot without a VGA. Apparently the OPs does have integrated HD 4200.
asingh said:

Obviously if the board has no IGP it would not boot without a VGA. Apparently the OPs does have integrated HD 4200.
Thanks asingh... I think i shud have tried booting my pc with someone elses graphic card which i think wud have solved my pc restarting issue but unfortunately none of my frnd was having a discrete card... :(
Its the psu itself, its gone bust once and has been repaired locally just change it before it damages other stuff. PC randomly going off can be overheating cpu gpu so monitor temps of those 2 but in your case im pretty sure its the psu and in 99% cases with a cheap psu im sure it would be that :p