PC Peripherals Config for new PC



I want to buy a new pc. I will be using it 24/7. I will also use it for gaming. This is the config in my mind
AMD X2 3800+
Asus A8N-E or A8N-VM
2x 512MB RAM
Geforce 7600GS
250GB SATA Hard Drive
Samsung 740N TFT

I have a few questions:

1]Socket 939 or AM2? I am confused. I'm not going to upgrade atleast for the next two years. I don't mind Socket 939 if it saves me some money. Which will be cheaper 939proc + mobo +ddr or am2 +mobo +ddr2? Also heard that there are compatibility issues with ram on am2 boards.

2]Will a 500 Watt Powersafe be enough for overclocking the x2 and gpu? If not, please suggest one in the same price range.
I'm going to overclock the x2 to abt 2.2to 2.4Ghz. I don't want to push it too far. I'll use stock cooling and stock voltages. My budget for psu is 2.5-3k max

3]Which brand ram Kingston, Hynix or Transcend? What's their price and performance differences? I'm not going to overclock the ram. How do I know that the ram is genuine and of good quality?

4]a8n-e or a8n-vm?(suggest some other in case of am2)

Thanks in advance
for ram go for kingston they pro. lifetime warranty{don't know abt others}. mobo will definately be a8n-e
instead of 7600 gs go gt. or 7800 series rates are fallen for them
Get 7900 series if you can spare some extra cash..It should set you back by around 16k.

Also the 740N doesnt have DVI input, so you would do better to go with the BenQ FP71E+ which has more or less the same features, apart from featuring DVI.
AMD X2 3800+
Asus A8N-E - ( A8n VM doent OC that well) 240 fsb limit i think
2x 1 GB RAM Transcend (Kingston value sucks) :p
Geforce 7600GT ( if you can 7900 GT then even better ) :D
250GB SATA Hard Drive
DVD-RW LG or Benq
Samsung 940B LCD

stay with 939 for now. The 500W powersafe may not be enough.. let someone else comment on that.
The stock cooler will not be enough for your Overclocks.
The problem is that i had started out with a budget of 40k and I have already gone over budget by about 10k. I would have to cut down on the mobo like get a a8n-vm

Okay What abt the psu ??? That is the real confusion
How is this?

X2 3800 -8.4
A8ne - 5.5
1x2 GB DDR 400 Transcend 7.7k
7600 GT 11k
250 Gig sata 4k
500 powersafe PSU 2.5k
cabby - 1.5k
17" crt -5k
dvdrw - 2k
Keyboard and mouse 1k
speakers ATP 3 2.5k
I can also forget about overclocking the x2 and get this
AMD X2 3800+
2x 1GB RAM Transcend
Geforce 7600GS
250GB SATA Hard Drive
Samsung 740N TFT
500 Watt Powersafe

Can i overclock the 7600GS then? I've heard that it overclock's to the level of the GT.

My dad won't allow me to spend more than 7k on the gfx card. Also I need an LCD, can't go for a CRT
^^The 7600 GS can be overclocked, the core specifically but since the memory is only DDR2 800 it cant be overclocked much. Get the Leadtek 7600 GS Extreme, it comes factory overclocked at 520/900 Mhz and is available for around 7k i believe. The 500W powersafe will be enoug for a 7600 GS/GT card. If you arent going to overclock get the A8N-VM. But if you are, then get the A8N-E.

Dont go for AM2 as of now as initially the cost of motherboards will be higher than the equivalent ones for S939 and also good DDR-2 RAM will also be a bit pricey compared to DDR.

Edit: you could also go for a biostar tforce 6100 or 6100 M-9. they will overclock much better than the A8N-VM.
Thanks guys you've solved most of my problems .
One last thing , The 740N doesn't have dvi out. What does this mean and how bad is it?
Haha not dvi out, its dvi input. yea hte 740N dosent have dvi input but compared to the regular dsub connector there isnt much difference at all. If you want dvi input however yuo can go for the Benq FP71E+. The performance is on par with the 740N.