21-30k Configuration for mid-end HD Video Editing setup

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I am looking to upgrade my desktop to a mid-end configured PC for HD video editing. No gaming. I require real time video rendering and playback/preview without any hitches. Would be using Pinnacle Studio, Adobe Premiere Pro, Camtasia Studio for video editing and mixing. Plan to install Windows 7 64-bit.

Here are the details as per the format required:

Q: What is your budget?

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel Core2Duo E4600 2.40Ghz
Motherboard - Intel DG41RQI
RAM: Transcend 2GB DDR2
Monitor - Viewsonic VG1921WM 19"
SMPS - VIP 500W Gold
DVD writer - ASUS, HP

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

Monitor - Viewsonic VG1921WM 19"
SMPS - VIP 500W Gold
DVD writer - ASUS, HP

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

CPU - Intel Core i5 (any one of 2320, 2400, 2500 or 2500K) or any other compatible/suitable processor
Motherboard - Intel DH67CL or any other compatible motherboard
GPU - ATI RADEON 6670, 6770, 6850 or any other compatible/suitable GPU
SSD - Corsair Nova Series 2 40 GB
Cooler Master Cabinet + 600 W SMPS

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months
RAM - a further 4GB DDR3
SSD - Corsair Nova Series 2 40 GB

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
City (Kolkata) dealer

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
High end video editing

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
First person shooter - Call of Duty series

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Desktop - 1440x900

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 64 bit


I am confused of which processor/motherboard/GPU combination to use to satisfy the requirement of real time video editing. Please assist in choosing the right combination and any problems I might face in future if the above configuration is purchased.

Thank you!
Intel i5 2400-10.5k
Intel DH67BL-B3-5.6k
Corsair XMS3 2X4GB-3.5k OR Gskill Ripjaws 2X4GB-3.5k
Msi GTX560-10k OR Msi Twin Frozr GTX560Ti-13.5k[For HD video Editing]
Corsair VX550W-4.5k OR Seasonic S12ii 620W-4.6k
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k
Hope this helps.:)
@ayan84 go with @Jakob configuration. Because it is the best configuration for your rig. I will give you the same config for your rig.

Hope this help.

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Jakob's configuration is almost 40K which is way beyond my budget of 25-30K. Can someone confirm which are the most important requirements for smooth video editing/preview/rendering? Is it the processor or the graphics card or the RAM? I am willing to spend more and get i7 if processor is a requirement for this. Having higher graphics card like 1GB or 2GB DDR5 would help in any way? Or, is it the processor which is more concerning? Anyone who have actually worked on the softwares i listed smoothly without any hitches - can they specify their config? Thanks!
@ayan84 sir it's important that you get good gpu for HD video editing and rendering so go for the above rig which i've suggested which is around 36k,You've stated that you have budget till 35k so add 1k more and get the rig which is well suited and will run good in long term.Go for GTX560-10k instead of the "Ti" version.
Jakob's configuration is almost 40K which is way beyond my budget of 25-30K. Can someone confirm which are the most important requirements for smooth video editing/preview/rendering? Is it the processor or the graphics card or the RAM? I am willing to spend more and get i7 if processor is a requirement for this. Having higher graphics card like 1GB or 2GB DDR5 would help in any way? Or, is it the processor which is more concerning? Anyone who have actually worked on the softwares i listed smoothly without any hitches - can they specify their config? Thanks!
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Which version of your video editing apps are you using?
Some newer versions use GPU acceleration but only for few effects and video preview. Final rendering ends up being done on CPU.
You need to check the product pages of your apps and see how much they use gpu acceleration.
I am planning to get the parts tomorrow. Few last points of clarification required:
1) For now, i would be using basic video editing softwares like Pinnacle Studio or Camtasia. I would be experimenting on Adobe Premiere and other high end video editors later on so my config should cater to those in the future.
2) It is ok if the rendering after production takes time, i am ok with allowing time for the software to take its own time after i have given the effects. But, I want real time rendering and preview while my editing is being done or during the process wherein i give an effect and the preview should show exactly the output without any hitches or frame skips. If this be the requirement, would it be better to invest in a i7 processor than the i5 2500 or 2500k?
3) For the GPU, i am still confused as i want to choose between the GTX 560 or the Radeon 6770/6850 or anything better in the range of 7K-12K which would ensure the video editing part, especially HD files are taken care of smoothly.
4) As i will be purchasing these items at a dealer store in Kolkata and cabinets like Nzxt Gamma might not be available, will Cooler Master cabinets worth 3.5K be okay to purchase?
2) i7 processor (non E model) is still a quad core with just slightly higher clocks and little more cache. Usually not worth the price premium.

3) Hold off on the GPU till you do some research. Google shows a lot of people disabling GPU acceleration due to rendering issues in Camtasia.

How big are the HD video files you work on? The disk read/writes might also be a bottleneck.
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