Configuration - i3

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My cousin is planning to buy a PC .. He wants to buy a Intel based PC .. Can anyone suggest a Intel based config ..

1. Q: What is your budget?
1. 30K (without GPU)
2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
3. Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
1. CPU - Intel i3

5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
1. No upgrade for 5 years
6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
1. Chennai
2. Open to online purchase
7. Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
1. No
8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
1. Gaming
2. Browsing
3. Watching HD movies
9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
Only Intel. He doesn't have much knowledge about PC and about overclocking so no to AMD.
10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
All games
11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
1600 x 900
12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?
1. No
13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
1. Windows XP and Win 7
Components Description Price (INR)

Processor Core i-3 530 (2.93Ghz, 4MB Cache) 6000

Motherboard Intel DH55TC 5600

RAM 2GB 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 2200

HDD 500 GB WD Blue 2350


Monitor Benq G2220HD 7750

Cabinet CM Elite 310 1550


Key Board Logitech SET - Optical Blk Mouse+ MMKB 700

Mouse NA -

ODD LG/Samsung/Sony DVD-Writer 22xD 1100

Speakers Altec Lansing 2.1 BXR1121 1100

Total 30250

harishguy_18 said:
Only Intel. He doesn't have much knowledge about PC and about overclocking so no to AMD.

Opting Intel over AMD for this reason seems ridiclous. You can get much cheaper PC for your needs by going for AMD.

Also a gaming PC without a GPU :S

Do u plan to add a GPU or you have one already?
Karthi007 said:
Components Description Price (INR)
Processor Core i-3 530 (2.93Ghz, 4MB Cache) 6000
Motherboard Intel DH55TC 5600
RAM 2GB 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 2200
HDD 500 GB WD Blue 2350
Monitor Benq G2220HD 7750
Cabinet CM Elite 310 1550
Key Board Logitech SET - Optical Blk Mouse+ MMKB 700
Mouse NA -
ODD LG/Samsung/Sony DVD-Writer 22xD 1100
Speakers Altec Lansing 2.1 BXR1121 1100
Total 30250
Opting Intel over AMD for this reason seems ridiclous. You can get much cheaper PC for your needs by going for AMD.

Thanks for ur response ..

Is there any other board available for Intel i3 other than Intel DH55TC within 6k ..

And, whether PSU/SMPS - FSP SAGAII 400w is enough or Gigabyte Superb 460W will be better .. As GPU might be added later ..
harishguy_18 said:
Thanks for ur response ..

Is there any other board available for Intel i3 other than Intel DH55TC within 6k ..

And, whether PSU/SMPS - FSP SAGAII 400w is enough or Gigabyte Superb 460W will be better .. As GPU might be added later ..

Depends on what GPU you plan to add in the future. Have seen ppl posting here that Giga is a FSP 400w OEM.

If you need a good PSU(80+ certified) opt for the Seasonic S12II 380w - 3k (5 yrs warranty) or Corsair CX400 - 2.8k (3 yrs warranty)

GIGABYTE GA-H55M-S2H - 6.65k. This the cheapest non-intel H55 mobo available.

TheITwares has listed MSI LGA1156 VGA Micro ATX Motherboard H55M-E33 for 3375/-. Guess it must be a typo from their part. Pm them for confirmation.
harishguy_18 said:
Thanks for ur response ..

Is there any other board available for Intel i3 other than Intel DH55TC within 6k ..

And, whether PSU/SMPS - FSP SAGAII 400w is enough or Gigabyte Superb 460W will be better .. As GPU might be added later ..

Karthi007 said:
Components Description Price (INR)
Processor Core i-3 530 (2.93Ghz, 4MB Cache) 6000
Motherboard Intel DH55TC 5600
RAM 2GB 1333MHz Kingston DDRIII RAM 2200
HDD 500 GB WD Blue 2350
Monitor Benq G2220HD 7750
Cabinet CM Elite 310 1550
Key Board Logitech SET - Optical Blk Mouse+ MMKB 700
Mouse NA -
ODD LG/Samsung/Sony DVD-Writer 22xD 1100
Speakers Altec Lansing 2.1 BXR1121 1100
Total 30250
Opting Intel over AMD for this reason seems ridiclous. You can get much cheaper PC for your needs by going for AMD.
Also a gaming PC without a GPU :S
Do u plan to add a GPU or you have one already?

Actually what I meant was .. he is a fanboy of Intel so .. I too prefer AMD over Intel .. One simple example is AMD Quad is available for about 5.5k whereas Intel would cost 2 to 3k more for the same .. but still I can't do anything in this regard .. :)
comp@ddict said:
Are you dead set on the i3? IMO a Athlon II X4 wud make a better deal.

actually I'm also planning to buy a PC an AMD configured .. but my cousin had read some reviews that AMD Athlon X4 consumes more power and generates more heat and noise than i3 so he was not convinced ..

Is this the fact?? As I myself dont know abt this ..
Processor: Athlon II X4 635 -5.1k
Motherboard: Biostar mobo TA785G3 - 3.6k
RAM: Corsair 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz - 2.75k
GPU: Sapphire HD5670 512MB GDDR5 - 5.7k
HDD: WD 500GB Blue AAKS 16MB buffer- 2.4k
Cabinet: NZXT Gamma - 1.8k
SMPS: Gigabyte 460W Superb - 2.2k
Optical Drive: Sony DVD R/W SATA - 1.1k
Keyboard+Mouse: Logitech Combo - .7k
Monitor - Dell 21.5" - ST2210 -9.3k
T0TAL ~~ 34.6k ;)
Go for this config as he is not going to upgrade for 5 years.
harishguy_18 said:
actually I'm also planning to buy a PC an AMD configured .. but my cousin had read some reviews that AMD Athlon X4 consumes more power and generates more heat and noise than i3 so he was not convinced ..

Is this the fact?? As I myself dont know abt this ..

Surprisingly, your cousin is sort of right. The i3 530 and the AII X4 6xx manage to hold their own against each other, even though they use very different routes to get to the finish. The former is definately more power efficient(overall power efficiency) while the latter does well in tasks that can make good use of 4 actual cores, rendering/encoding for example.
Going the AMD way though is cheaper by 1-2k(CPU+Motherboard, with comparable components), and since you are not into overclocking, an area where the i3 530 has the x4 clearly beat, you should be considering it, which is why it is being pointed out.

Lastly, even if you do not intend to overclock, i'd suggest getting the Gigabyte board mentioned above for added stability and options, it only costs a few hundred more.
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