Congrats to get ur a** moving and post some review asap

\o/ \o/ WTF they are HERE!! \o/ \o/


Thanks guys its good that the customs did not hold them for long :)

they left China 2 days before , and are here today!! :D

Thanks guys, will post impressions as soon as i get them :)

Thanks GOD ! ... and thanks Mummy , Papa! ...thanks !
Hay i cant open the Lynx web site !:(

can some one post the Pic here !

I want to see how the batman logo looks ! .. my miracle overloaded the lynx server , YaaaY
Thanks GOD ! ... and thanks Mummy , Papa! ...thanks !

I wish my parents learnt something from yours :p

They seem to believe spending anything more than 1k on earphones is a waste of money and an extravagance that should be avoided.
Yeah :batman:

... the old bat man logo , the yellow and black one (elliptical ) etched on a black translucent faceplate ! :D

amarbir told me its not bad , but its not that good either ! :(
and now i am impatient ! :(

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Mephistopheles said:
I wish my parents learnt something from yours :p

They seem to believe spending anything more than 1k on earphones is a waste of money and an extravagance that should be avoided.
Hay dont get the wrong IDEA, they did not sponsor this.

i was just thanking my parents in general for wishing me good luck and caring for me ! :)
strategy said:
Hay dont get the wrong IDEA, they did not sponsor this.

i was just thanking my parents in general for wishing me good luck and caring for me ! :)
So its the same with everyone I guess

Btw I forgot to congratulate you,

Cheers and congrats!
Guys don't nag him to post impressions...

I think he has already "Posted his impressions"

Else he could not get a custom molded ones.... Ha ha ha...

Congrats achal....

and post your impressions.. OOPS.. write your... hmm..experience...
Yaayy .... Awesome :D

No but seriously what on earth are we talking about here? The loud title doesn't help explain anything :S
RD274 said:
Yaayy .... Awesome :D

No but seriously what on earth are we talking about here? The loud title doesn't help explain anything :S
Achal might be the frst guy in india to possess MIRACLE....

now dude search for miracle....

hint- its a tiny little thing tht goes in ur ears and make u fall in love to wht u r hearing

no! no! i m not pointing towards a hottie (named MIRACLE) asking MY PLACE 2NIGHT :p
Congrats and welcome to the club! None of the universals you've tried (high end or otherwise) will ever be good enough again.

:p Except for the RE-1, best universal ever