Hi all..
Connect to Internet from PS3 in Bridge mode, Is this possible?
here are my queries
My Connection is BSNL DataOne. ADSL Modem/Router is UT starcom WA3002GA4, i think.
here are my questions.
1. I just turned my modem from PPPOE mode to Bridge mode. to Automate the Download.
How to connect from PS3 to my net now?
I saw this http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/settings/connectadvance.html
Any use for me?
2. I joined the PSN network from default menu in the ps3, gave region as india. will this be enuff for me to get online?
3. My DS3, brand new, is connected to Ps3 via USB charge cable. The battery charge indicator is still on the first red LED only.
I have connected it only for about 1 hr maybe 2 hr tops.
Is this normal?
Please help out if you know.
Connect to Internet from PS3 in Bridge mode, Is this possible?
here are my queries
My Connection is BSNL DataOne. ADSL Modem/Router is UT starcom WA3002GA4, i think.
here are my questions.
1. I just turned my modem from PPPOE mode to Bridge mode. to Automate the Download.
How to connect from PS3 to my net now?
I saw this http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/settings/connectadvance.html
Any use for me?
2. I joined the PSN network from default menu in the ps3, gave region as india. will this be enuff for me to get online?
3. My DS3, brand new, is connected to Ps3 via USB charge cable. The battery charge indicator is still on the first red LED only.
I have connected it only for about 1 hr maybe 2 hr tops.
Is this normal?
Please help out if you know.