Connect to Internet from PS3 in Bridge mode

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A Nobody.
Hi all..

Connect to Internet from PS3 in Bridge mode, Is this possible?

here are my queries

My Connection is BSNL DataOne. ADSL Modem/Router is UT starcom WA3002GA4, i think.

here are my questions.

1. I just turned my modem from PPPOE mode to Bridge mode. to Automate the Download.

How to connect from PS3 to my net now?

I saw this

Any use for me?

2. I joined the PSN network from default menu in the ps3, gave region as india. will this be enuff for me to get online?

3. My DS3, brand new, is connected to Ps3 via USB charge cable. The battery charge indicator is still on the first red LED only.

I have connected it only for about 1 hr maybe 2 hr tops.

Is this normal?

Please help out if you know.

Anyone knows this

1. I just turned my modem from PPPOE mode to Bridge mode. to Automate the Download.

How to connect from PS3 to my net now?
the way i hav my internet connected to the ps3 if through an ethernet cable from my router to the ps3. The ps3 is set on DHCP so it gets the ip details by itself.

Another way is through a Wifi router.

Another way would be to share the internet from ur pc to the ps3 if u have two lan cards installed on your pc. In that case u can share the internet with the ps3 through ur computer.
1. well... i cant here coz its in bridge mode

2. Yes its wireless and same reason above too

3. I have to turn my pc on. Not a option.
m-jeri said:
Hi all..

Connect to Internet from PS3 in Bridge mode, Is this possible?

here are my queries

My Connection is BSNL DataOne. ADSL Modem/Router is UT starcom WA3002GA4, i think.

here are my questions.

1. I just turned my modem from PPPOE mode to Bridge mode. to Automate the Download.

How to connect from PS3 to my net now?

I saw this PS3â„¢ | Internet Connection Settings (advanced settings)

Any use for me?

2. I joined the PSN network from default menu in the ps3, gave region as india. will this be enuff for me to get online?

3. My DS3, brand new, is connected to Ps3 via USB charge cable. The battery charge indicator is still on the first red LED only.

I have connected it only for about 1 hr maybe 2 hr tops.

Is this normal?

Please help out if you know.


Not sure about the first point..but here's the answer for points two and three...

2. Create a new account under UK and a new account under US...PSN India does not exist...Why you'll need two accounts is because demos get released earlier in the UK store and sometimes demos released in the US store dont show up in the UK store till a few weeks later...

3. If it's on the first LED means its almost charged fully..if all the lights are blinking it means it has low charge. To check the charge status, press and hold the white PS button in the middle of the controller...
^the newer stuff is usually slow on both of them...maxes out my connection(1 Mbps unl airtel bb) rest of the time...
I am also with Airtel 1mbps connection with PSN US a/c but it gets auto-disconnected (login 'remember me' enabled) within 10mins.

No such problem with PC (STEAM) Online Game on the same connection.
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