A Arjun Herald Nov 16, 2012 #1 Dell st2220l has both DVI & Hdmi ports , can i connect two pcs at the same time to it through dvi & hdmi , switching between them whenever i want?
Dell st2220l has both DVI & Hdmi ports , can i connect two pcs at the same time to it through dvi & hdmi , switching between them whenever i want?
S sujithbvm Contributor Nov 16, 2012 #2 Yes its possible by changing the source every time you switch between both your PCs
HailStonE Forerunner Nov 16, 2012 #3 Its 100% possible. Most DELL monitors have a dedicated switch for it on the front panel. My E1909W has it & I was using such a set-up till two years back.
Its 100% possible. Most DELL monitors have a dedicated switch for it on the front panel. My E1909W has it & I was using such a set-up till two years back.
nish_pinto Voyager.Fpv Forerunner Nov 16, 2012 #5 You can enter your monitor's menu and do a switch there.
HailStonE Forerunner Nov 17, 2012 #6 http://www.techenclave.com/reviews-previews/dell-st2220l-review-108612/p4/ - - - Updated - - - Reactions: Crazy_Eddy
nRiTeCh Oracle Nov 18, 2012 #7 It sucks to shift every time manually but have no other option. sadly...