PC Peripherals Connecting 2 wireless headphones to the PC to watch a movie - How ?

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So i have a kid now and me n the wifey face problems to watch movies without disturbing the kid, is there anyway to output the audio stream simultaneously to 2 headphones wirelessly. ?

From the PC ofcourse, was evaluating 2 options - BT or a FM transmitter
You never mentioned the budget you know! How do you expect the members to know what is expensive and what isn't?
hahaha nice one well i dont have a set budget in mind but shouldnt be too expensive, i dont mind putting 6k overall into the solution
This is off the top of my head...

Jabra has a BT reciever that works with any headset, basically has a 3.5mm socket. Plug in a 1-2 3.5 mm splitter and check if both the headphones work when plugged in.

Again this is off the top of my head and I have never tested this before. Probably try it out first before buying the device.
Jabra A120S were one of the best , sold for $12.5 and is now discontinued, wouldve bought a couple of those in a heartbeat should they have been available.
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