PC Peripherals Connecting Cable Modem User to Lan User

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I am Hathway cable modem user. I have a friend who also uses Hathway but has a LAN system in place.

I know his IP. So is there anyway of me directly connecting to him, by way of some software.
Yeah you could.But that would depend on what exatly you want to do.You could use a remote software like UltraVNC which allows connecting remote clients & even transfer files[though this would seriously depend on your pipe[internet connection]].
Though thus sounds easier with a normal topology wherein there are no firewalls or routers present.It would help if you could explain a bit in detail your & his network topology & also what exatcly you want to achieve by doing this.
I am not sure about the topology of my network, whether it's a ring, bus etc.

And it is basically to transfer files.


Ultra VNC looks more like remote desktop control. I am referring to a software like DC++ whrein i can view the files on his HDD. (to which he has given access)

This is basically to ontain exclusive connection among the two computers.
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