Monitors Connecting my PS2 to my PC monitor.

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Ok, this might be a very frequently asked question, but for the sake of all the lost souls (including me) wanting to know how to connect there PS2 to their PC monitor, can someone please explain how to do so...In my case im pretty sure I need some external converter or a Tuner card (not sure) to connect my Ps2 to my monitor, since my GFX card dosent have the connectiong thingy.

hmmm...sorry to ask..but why dont u just connect it to the TV and play..means why do u want to connect it to the monitor ??
I basically dont have space on my TV table...its just filled with stuff like my DVD player, deck, Set-top I was thinking of just shifting it to my PC table where I have space and can play without any hastle.
What monitor do u have? I see u have an x1800xt. Use the VIVO dongle that came with your card to input video and use something like AMCAP to see the video coming in.
i have the gamebox to connect it to the pc monitor, for connecting ps2, gc, xbox & dvdplayer. lemme know if your interested.

its got composite, comonent & svideo inputs.
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