Console Gaming Cafe


Hi guys,

past 5years i had been planning to open my own gaming cafe .

after lot of planning and finally found someone to invest in my gaming cafe business

i have been working in company from quite long time so after lot of thoughts i made a plan to open it near my company location as it will easier for me to operate + i won't have to deal with crazy traffic after office hours :p

For starting i have decided to go for Console only . As pc require lot of work in software section . Also i am opening this gaming cafe in partnership . So i am handling gaming section and my partner is handling food section . As i won't be able to give full time there so thought it better start with console as they are easier to handle . Once start getting profit i will switch to bigger place with more console and pc better service + by that time i will leave job and give my full time there .

4 xbox one
4 ps4

So i need suggestion
1. what game should i keep in starting days
2. what type of food will gamers prefer which are must
3. For now i will not waste money on interior too much so instead i am going all black wall and roof with little Yellow light near console area .
4. Which headset would be good as i don't want other console gamer to get disturb from other gamer playing console but as said console are sometime played using two people like tekkan so will needing two headset ? which company would be better not costing too much at starting :p
5. what type of music you guys think will gamer prefer ? who are not playing game or resting ? like hiphop or soft music or etc
6. Can i make these console work on lan so that they can play against each other ?
7. what type of chair should i use sofa or beans bag or office chair build for long seating or any other
8. For Display should i keep 32inch led tv or 40inch led tv or 50inch led tv or anything better ?
9. What would be suitable price for 1/2hr and 1hr which doesn't hit gamers pocket and my pocket . Also should i offer membership which will reduce price for all time and any day for member . Should i keep price different for weekends and weekdays ? Also i am thinking different price from 10am to 4pm(cheaper rates) and 4pm to 10pm(expensive rates) ?
10. Last not least what name should i use for my gaming section as later stage if i split with my partner so that i can keep using that name in future .

thank you :)

MOD Note : I am very sorry if i have posted in wrong area kindly move it to correct area thank you and again sorry in-convince i have caused :(
I had made friends with a guy who ran a gaming cafe, but eventually he shut it down due to losses. Those were the days of Counterstrike. Today, mobile gaming is more or less doing the same.

I have no idea about consoles, so would not be able to help out. However, can try to pitch in for the other questions

F&B - For most gamers, food and beverages should are to satiate their hunger and thirst between gaming. So it should be quick to make and quick to consume. Plus, you need to ensure that it is not drippy. Oh, and it should not require two hands to eat - if you are allowing the gamers to take their food in - though it may make things messy. As for beverages, get a soda pub.

LAN Gaming should be possible. But you would still need a internet connection.

Unless you have a lot of space, 32 or even 24 inch displays are better

Pricing depends area to area. I would not pay more than 50 bucks an hour to game. Maybe for consoles, 75 could be OK. Having a happy hours time is great. Just ensure that the membership covers benefits like discount on food as well if possible. And keep the membership low initially and then increase it.