Guide Convert K750i to W800i using SEUS update service

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Download the ZIP file and read the readme file ... read the complete file b4 fidling with the w800.exe

save ur CDA and IMEI number b4 converting your phone so that if you want to use k750i firmware again then you can change back to old cda and use SEUS (update service).

I have converted my phone already without any problems ad trust me its worth it :ohyeah:

Click here to download the file.

** Make sure your battery is fully charged ** :bleh:
Note : This conversion is possible since both K750i and W800i have the same hardware dont try this on any other phone.

** I didnt make any of these files and i dont deserve credit for this . just tried it and thought of sharing with you guys enjoy **

Credits : se-nse (*hendrix*)

Source : K750i to W800i Via SEUS and DCU60 for Free - SE-NSE Forums
Mod Edit: Please don't post generic links, post the exact link when the guide/tutorial is not your own.
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tracerbullet said:
Okay I exactly followed the readme instructions and executed the .exe file. This is the error I got.

Any ideas what's wrong?

abhishek vij said:
LOL this error is just fine now close the application

and run SEUS update service

when the service asks u to remove the battery and sim dont remove battery just press c untill it moves u onto next step ie flashing :bleh:
Hmmm no reps added :(

Hmm... Mr Abhisekh dude... did you even read the article? And you are asking for "reps"

You should have given us the original link instead of doing a very bad job of copy pasting....

The error is with CID49 phones.... the hack "currently" works with only CID36 phones..... So your responce to tracerbullet's query is highly unwitting.... and not to mention NOOBish.... get a grip..!
abhishek vij said:
ya its simple just run that w800i application again and put ur orignal CDA back and run the update service :)

WRONG again.... the W800 application only "temporarily" masks the origina IMEI and CDA to fool the SE update service into flashing the W800i firmware onto the phone. Thats why THERE is the "DONT REMOVE BATTERY" even if SEU asks for it MENTIONED. Because, if you remove it, the changes are lost........

So to reflash back to K750i, just restart ur phone and use SE update service, it will automatically detect the original CDA + IMEI and flash the K750i firmware......

You made a total chaos out of the whole PROCEDURE.... Not very rep worthy.
vinaykumarb4u said:
Finally sitting for 2 hours i made it....

now my fone is rocking......thanq for evry post that guided me

K750i===>>>w800i Rock man....

You are lucky to have a CID36 phone.... some ppl (like me) have the CID39 phone.... and alas, this doesnt work with this firmware yet.......
been looking this up at esato...

btw how do i know if my phone is CID39? or CID36?? couldnt find it anywhere in the software config! :(
^^I was going to ask the same thing. So then, Karan, what's the procedure for flashing my phone to a W800? If there is one, that is.
if u have cared enough to read the post and readme file karan dude it was written it was fro cid36 only .....

"Noobish" go **** urself fro all i care
its the error u get after w800i application terminates teh connection ... if u only cared to do the procedure b4 commenting on some1...(it does that even on the cid36 phones)

who cares for reps ... noobish ....
helpin ppl out here is the last thing on my mind now

@chicmagnet : that guide tells u to pay $10 fro that davinci or wortna to get credits fro falshin ( now karan would say smthin again bout this)

Mr . Pro Karan

@ karan read the refrences part i hav pasted that too :|
K750i to W800i Via SEUS and DCU60 for Free - SE-NSE Forums
Karan said:
WRONG again.... the W800 application only "temporarily" masks the origina IMEI and CDA to fool the SE update service into flashing the W800i firmware onto the phone. Thats why THERE is the "DONT REMOVE BATTERY" even if SEU asks for it MENTIONED. Because, if you remove it, the changes are lost........

So to reflash back to K750i, just restart ur phone and use SE update service, it will automatically detect the original CDA + IMEI and flash the K750i firmware......

You made a total chaos out of the whole PROCEDURE.... Not very rep worthy.

have u even read what that quote was for ... it was for reflashing to k750i u noob..... some people did face the problem as cda was written on it thats why i wrote it coz its failsafe ... gosh these dumb people ... who asked fro reps from u anywayz.......
I Heard that completing this process also unlocks your phone to ALL networks? Is this true? If not, and there is another process could you please state it, or tell me where I can find it?
Scratch :thanx:
Dear Abhishek, after reading all the replies. i am still confused :S . i have read your readme file again and again. I understand its for CID36 only. Now when i I run W800.exe, it gives me an error and doesnt give me a chance to write the CDA. The last line says the phone disconnected, you should close me!

Tell me, cant i get it done to W800i ?:(

Pls help.
abhishek vij said:
can u plz post some screen shots so that i can figure out whats the problem..?

Ok dear here it is...........hope you get the cure. I suspect my phone is CID49 and not CID36.

Still help me if u can.


  • k750i.jpg
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bah now i have to chk if my phone is cid36 or 39 ! darn..isnt there a better way to chk it? me just too lazy to chk it again! tsh tsh!
abhishek vij said:
hmmm srry to say but it seems ur phone cannot be converted to w800 :(
only cid36 phones can be converted

hmm buddy, you really really sure you want to take it out with this "noobish ****" ?

ok .....

some time back, some one posted that he was getting the "disconnected" error....

you replied:

abhishek vij said:
LOL this error is just fine now close the application

and run SEUS update service

when the service asks u to remove the battery and sim dont remove battery just press c untill it moves u onto next step ie flashing :bleh:
Hmmm no reps added :(

Hmm..... if he was getting the error, HOW could you reply that "LOL this error is just fine" ???? ISnt the whole purpose of W800.exe faking W800 CDA/IMEI so that SEUS flashes the W800 firmware? If he was getting the error.... How was he supposed to change it? ??? ???

Now you reply.....

abhishek vij said:
hmmm srry to say but it seems ur phone cannot be converted to w800 :(
only cid36 phones can be converted

WOOT, sudden inrush of knowledge? Or did my "noobish" comments make you read the ORIGINAL THREAD finally?

Think before hitting reply buddy.... Peace out.
after u complete the process it also says that phone disconnected .. remove the phone .. phone reading error...
since i didnt see his image (earlier case)(images are disabled to preserve my precious bandwidth) so i assumed he had completed the process.....

abhishek vij said:
after u complete the process it also says that phone disconnected .. remove the phone .. phone reading error...
since i didnt see his image (earlier case)(images are disabled to preserve my precious bandwidth) so i assumed he had completed the process.....

DID u really now? Lets see.....

Tracerbullets' query where you presumably "assumed":

tracerbullet said:
Okay I exactly followed the readme instructions and executed the .exe file. This is the error I got.

Any ideas what's wrong?

Has he mentioned his error IN english anywhere? You assumed and guessed the whole thing? Evidently "You are lying."

chic_magnet said:
yes that`s the error me getting too!!!..
the SEUS did download the usb flash driver ... so now wat exactly am i supposed t odo??

Neither does cm mention anything ABOUT THAT ERROR in his post. Just seconding tb's error which HE found out about by seeing the IMAGE. Not by extranormal powers.... :P

abhishek vij said:
LOL this error is just fine now close the application

and run SEUS update service

when the service asks u to remove the battery and sim dont remove battery just press c untill it moves u onto next step ie flashing :bleh:
Hmmm no reps added :(
says enough....... DONT make a EVEN bigger MULE out of yourself.... admit it, and move ON!
I must say, abhishek, before asking for reputation, you should ensure that a guide posted by you is thorough as well as informative. You implied that the whole thing was a piece of cake and anyone could do it. But this wasn't the case.

I understand that you were excited because it worked for you, but don't blatantly ask for reps when your guide isn't clear at all. I gave up attempting the flash that very night, after that silly error. :(

Besides, there is a negative aspect that you haven't posted about. After reading up online later, I learned that the shortcut key will not work after flashing the phone. Don't you think it's important to point this out?
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