Converting .Avi to dvd

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Lazzy Boy

Hi guyz ,

i have a few movies to burn on my dvd from my hdd but they all are in avi format.
Do i rip the movies into vcd format and then put it in a dvd or
do i just rip the movies in to dvd format and then do it.
But a dvd can only take 120min and each of the movies are greater than that so what do i do??/
Im very confused in which way the movies would work fine.
vb86 said:
just use convertxtodvd by VSO software. btw, its not called ripping.

+1 haven't find better software. You can fill up atleast 2 movies too without deterring the quality if you have like 700mb kinda movies.

But DVD quality sucks in terms of 720P we watchin (downloading) these days.
why not just burn em all to a dvd. All dvd player nowdays can read from a disc and play any format?
was searching for a similar thread for avi to dvd conversion. found a thread tht suggested winavi over convertxtodvd. winavi is wht i use & hav no issues.
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