Converting video from tape onto DVD?

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loverboy jai

Converting video from tape onto DVD??

hi, i hav sony DCRHC42E handycam, bought it long back, its a good handy cam, the problem is how to convert the cassette to dvd??? is there any device/compatibility hardware to convert it??

please give me the detials ASAP..

thanking u:)
6pack said:
^ the specs say its recording format is memory stick. :S

DCR-HC42E (DCRHC42E, DCRHC42E.CEH) : Cameras & camcorders : Sony

all you need to do is get one of those 1000 bucks tuner card which has support for attaching svideo input and audio. just playback the recording from camera and record with the tuner using the tuners software.

if you record on memory stick, you just need a card reader to copy files off it.

how about DV capture card?? or IEEE 1394A firewire???
all are same and use svideo input for capture. get whatever suits your budget. you will need a software too to capture the input and it's available with the hardware usually.
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