Cordless Rumblepad 2

sankalpnaik said:
Do u know howz the performance

in games which detect it, it performs well(some reviews suggest it performs better than x360 controller).

but some games doesn't detect it out of the box.
eg., in my case GRID didn't detect it,but no probs whatsoever for fifa2k8, pes2k8, gtr2.
kgthelazy said:
in games which detect it, it performs well(some reviews suggest it performs better than x360 controller).

but some games doesn't detect it out of the box.
eg., in my case GRID didn't detect it,but no probs whatsoever for fifa2k8, pes2k8, gtr2.
:hap2: :clap:

Ill mostly buy it this weekend
you'll end up spending close to 3k for a xbox360 wireless module+controller..

the rumblepad2 is a better option in comparison
i would suggest u getting an x360 controller with wireless performance is better than rumblepad

and it cost 2300

and is supported in all most all games today

the best part is u can use it with both xbox360 and pc
^ performance? vibrations per minute?

can you quantify that for me? both the x360 controller and the Logitech rumblepad2 are very capable controllers with a common negative factor. tht being in game support. Neither have a comprehensive list of games where they are supported out of the box. Very often you might need to configure your controller.

ppl here might argue about how games under the Games For Windows platform support x360 controllers out of the box, but i can personally verify that the logitech rumblepad2 is compatible and works out of the box wiht an equivalent if not greater number of games.
I second what Stalker said.

If you can tweak the buttons, you can any way make the controller work for any game. Its just that the game should be able to detect the controller.
well ive always liked the layout of the PS2 gamepad with both the analog sticks in the center.. i guess in the end its a matter of preference.. so if u get a chance .. u should demo both kind of gamepad.. and as for the support i think all the games will support one or the other gamepad.. i myself havent been able to get the vibrations working in many games in vista.. maybe some drivers issue or something.. but all has failed.. i also use Joy2Key for mapping KB keys to the gamepad :) .. this way i use my gamepad as a remotecontrol as well..
..dude, get the Rumble Pad and you will never regret it.

Infact any of the Logitech gaming goods are rock solid.

I have used the MOMO Wheel, the rumblePad, the older cordless (4 AA) rumble pad, Dual Action and the list goes.

I have smashed them on the floor a number of times too and they still work great. I have never had any compatibility issue at all.

I don't know which games people are having issues with, maybe if you try to play an FPS on it then maybe, but I would like to know a AAA title which is meant to be played with a gamepad and is not compatible with logitech.

So to end it all, get logitech they are a great company, and have great products. but do you really want a cordless one. I used them but now I use corded ones just cause they become heavy with batteries and lighter one is much better for extended gaming hours.

Also my dog likes to play fetch with the cordless ones so now I stick to corded.

Have a nice day.