CPU/Mobo Core 2 duo rig for 20k ??

hmmm... i am planning to go for a E660.... so was confused regarding those 2 @boards lord_nemesis : reagarding the P5B Runnin Coooler ... this Exactly wat my friends told me to...
vinyas, the P5WDH and is a mix of good and bad - I'm not referring to features here, because I don't use wifi and the remote :p I'm talking about performance - it requires a lot of time and patience to really understand this board in order to get the most of out it.

It clearly doesn't overclock well right out of the box - I could only go as high as 3.6ghz before the board started to become unstable (and I didn't increase vMCH because of really high NB temps). After I cleaned the NB/SB and applied AS5, the temps dropped but haven't tried overclocking after that (maybe I will this Sunday). Oh, not to forget that there's been no good BIOS updates for like 2 months for this board and it appears to be getting step-motherly treatment from the ASUS BIOS team :p

Bottom line, the P5B Deluxe is much more stable and less troublesome to get a decent clock going :)
Guys P5W DH Dlx is in a different league than P5B Dlx. It has recieved overclockers award in many reviews.

Also E6400 has much more overclocking potential than E6700/6800.
Vinyas, mobos based on 975 has more features like dual graphics card slots among other things.Also they are somewhat faster(not by much) at stock compared to P965 mobos.P965 mobo BIOS have improved a lot since they were first introduced but still there is room for a lot further improvement.

But P965 mobos already overclock pretty decent and future bios upgrade would improve their performance even further since they use improved memmory controller compared to 975x. Though 975 x have better features than 965x most of these features are useless for most people.P965 will be faster once their bios is upgraded.Aslo P965 uses ICH8 south bridge.

So ultimately everthing comes down to cost.If the price diff. between P5W DH and P5B dlx is more than 1 k then P965 is certainly a better deal unless you care about dual GPUs or the other features they offer or plan to go for a X6800.For the P965 boards do not allow higher multipliers to be selected with X6800 Core 2 Duo processors whereas the 975X boards allow multipliers both above and below the rated multiplier to be selected on X6800.

If you don't plan to overclock then Intel 975xbx would be a good board for it is the most sturdy and durable one and would last a very long time.

BTW, what's the current price of P5B dlx and the Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3??
I am not getting 13k price anywhere in Delhi for P5B Deluxe mobo.... the best I was qouted by Rashi was 13.8k... Guys where are you getting the 13k rate?
Someone here had mentioned Asus P5B - V for 4.8k-5k....is it 965 chipset....is it the same as p5b vanilla or is it same as p5ld (945 chipset)....
can someone plz tell me the cheapest 965 mobo... i'm thinking gigabyte s3 for arnd 6k...
is p5b (some model) even cheaper than that?
Also another question...what's the difference between p5b vanilla and p5b? i guess both of them are the same
Hey Mohit, i called up Nehru Plce Yday and the guy there tol me tht motherboard prices(esp. 965) will go down after christmas wen QuadCore releases... so if u can wait maybe u can grab a 7to8k MB at say 5k... also processor price will drop to 7.5k... If u can wait, i guess u'll get a gud MB for ur conroe, with decent oc...